Avance Care Northeast Raleigh is a comprehensive primary care practice located in Raleigh, NC. With extended hours, same-day appointments and virtual care visits, getting the help you need with Avance Care on your schedule has never been easier. We’re by your side and at your service, commit...
Pioneer Physician Network is leading the Northeast Ohio healthcare community in efforts for the continuous improvement through support of various community foundations and initiatives, and our active role as healthcare leaders. We are committed to responsible leadership in addressing the social, ethical a...
Between 2010 and 2015, there were 10,075 maternal deaths in Brazil, 3,522of which occurred in the Northeast region. The aim of this study was to investigate the actions taken by primary health care (PHC) professionals to reduce maternal mortality. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive ...
It's objectives were 1) to explore the need assessment of student care and support system operation in primary schools; 2) to develop the strategy for the effective operation of student care and support system for primary schools; 3) to examine the appropriateness and feasibility of the ...
The patients expected a personal journey, through the primary health care system where they were the subject of interest. A journey, with ready access to a health care provider followed by a consultation with the physician, medical measures administered, their outcomes discussed, and a plan develop...
Organization of primary health care and surveillance in response to COVID-19 in municipalities in the Northeast of Brazildoi:10.1590/1413-81232023285.18052022ENBAHIA (Brazil : State)BRAZILCOVID-19 pandemicPRIMARY health careCITIES & townsPANDEMICSMUNICIPAL serv...
The Doctor-Patient Relation in the Context of Primary Health Care, in the City of Fortaleza, Northeast Brazil: What Physicians Have to Say about This?Caprara, AndreaMendes, Layza Castelo BrancoSantana, Lucylarodrigues, josiane vasconcelosGomes, Annatalia...
Effects of primary health care and socioeconomic aspects on the dispersion of COVID-19 in the Brazilian Northeast: Ecological study of the first pandemic wavedoi:10.1371/journal.pone.0296837BRAZILPRIMARY health careSOCIOECONOMIC factorsCOVID-19 pandemic...
Socio-demographic Correlates of Care Burden in Primary Caregivers of Persons with Schizophrenia: A Study from Northeast Indiadoi:10.25215/0902.086Abhijeet SinghArif AliREDSHINE Publication
primary careIntroduction: Contact tracing for chronic hepatitis B infection is an important activity for preventing the spread of hepatitis B infection. In the UK, the 'Green Book' recommends that all sexual and household contacts of individuals with chronic hepatitis B should be tested and ...