在Linux系统中,对硬盘进行分区时,会遇到两种分区类型:主分区(Primary Partition)和扩展分区(Extended Partition)。下面是对这两种分区类型的详细解释和比较: 1. 主分区(Primary Partition) 定义: 主分区是直接位于硬盘上的一个分区,每个主分区都有一个唯一的编号。在MBR(Master Boot Record)分区表中,一个硬盘最多可...
磁盘分区之后会有所谓的Primary, Extended 与Logical 的磁盘分区槽,请问何者为 可使用的Partition ?相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 只有Primary 与Logical 为可用, Extended 为不可直接使用的Partition ,还需要再次的分割 成为Logical 之后,才可以继续使用!而最大可分割出来的Partition 应该有63 个才对!
主分区:主分区的英文为Primary Partition,是你在物理磁盘上可以建立的逻辑磁盘的一种。举例来说:如果你希望你的物理磁盘,规划成仅有一个C:磁盘,那整台硬盘的空间就全部分配给主分区使用。 主分区用来装操作系统,并且要把它设置为活动的,主分区最多可以分出四个! 扩展分区:英文名为Extended Partition,扩展分区是相...
在磁盘管理中, 可以具体的操作,一个硬盘可以有四个主分区或三个主分区和一个扩展分区, 扩展分区上可以创建逻辑分区.不过 要在原有的分区上操作 ,要备份数据.
In an MBR disk, you can have at most 4 primary partitions and no logical partition. Or you can have 3 primary partitions and one extended partition. The extended partition can be divided into several logical partitions. The number of partitions depends on your needs. If you need more than ...
Convert primary partition to logical partition with EaseUS Partition Master. Convert logical partition to primary partition is also available.
also be stored here, but this is the only partition that can be made active. In other words, the BIOS can only detect this partition, and you can only boot from this primary partition. Your hard drive can contain up to 4 main partitions or 3 main partitions, and 1 extended partition....
Step 1.EnterDisk Management, select the basic data partition, and then selectDelete Volume. Step 2.When prompted that all data on this partition will be erased, selectYesto proceed. Right-click the extended partition and selectDelete Partition. ...
(parted) mkpart primary 0 500(警告: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.) (parted) mkpart primary 1 500(没有出现) (parted) mkpart extended 500 1000 (也出现了警告: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for b
An Extended Error Has Occurred - Windows Server 2003 An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably. The Registry could not flush hive (file): '\SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE'. An TLS 1.2 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the ...