1.17原级测量标准(primary measurement standard) [12] : 具最高的计量学特性,其值不必参考相同量的其它标准,被指定 … www.docin.com|基于6个网页 2. 一级测量标准 (1)一级测量标准(primary measurement standard)或一级标准(primary standard):被指定或被广泛承认具有最高的计量学特性 … ...
药典中的primary standard 定义 原级测量标准,primary measurement standard,简称原级标准,primary standard。是指使用原级参考测量程序或约定使用的一种人造物品建立的测量标准。 举例 1、物质的量浓度的原级测量标准由将已知物质的量的化学成分溶解到已知体积的溶液中制备而成。 2、压力的原级测量标准基于对力和面积的...
Deadweighttestersarethebasicprimarystandardfor accuratemeasurementofpressure. 自重测试仪是基本的测量压力设备。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 5. Anewautomatedspectroradiometriccalibrationsystemisusedtoestablishthe newnationalprimarystandardofcolortemperature. 用一个自动的光谱辐射校准系统建立新的国家色温度基准。
measurement primary standard 1 iliang Jizhun计工基准(~Ineni pn川四ry standard)为了定义、实现、保存或复现量的单位或一个或多个t值,用作参考的实物t具、测量仪器,参考物质或测t系统。亦称国家基准。通常是一种原级标准。为了更好地保持计量基准的稳定,有时还建立依据计t基准定值的副荃准,以及依据计t基准或...
The April 2000 revision to the API 14.3 part 2 Standard includes the results of considerable test work over the past few years. Numerous changes are noted, some of which will have major effects on users of orifice measurement. The most significant impact will be in the upstream length and ...
A PRIMARY STANDARD OF GAS-FLOW MEASUREMENTAccurate measurement of flowrate can be achieved by collecting a quantity of the flow for a measured time and relating the measurements to standards of mass and time. Liquid flowrate, for example, can be measured accurately by this means but the ...
Information is provided on international comparisons.doi:10.1007/s11018-016-0925-1Yu. R. ShimolinUrals Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM), Ekaterinburg, RussiaL. A. ZlydnikovaUrals Research Institute of Metrology (UNIIM), Ekaterinburg, RussiaSpringer USMeasurement Techniques...
Measurement Techniques Aims and scope V. S. Kupko, I. V. Lukin, V. A. Risto, S. B. Kovshov & O. A. Kosenko 26 Accesses Explore all metrics Abstract Descriptions are given of a primary-standard interference equipment and a computer program for measuring roughness parameters ranging ...
Traceability to NIST is maintained through the NIST-supplied Time Measurement and Analysis System (TMAS). This service exceeds the requirements of MIL-STD-45662A and can be a valuable tool in demonstrating traceability to your customers. Straightforward Operation Internal microprocessor control makes ...
First, we look briefly at how standard measurement units have evolved from the early units used in barter trade to the more exact units belonging to the Imperial, metric, and SI measurement systems. This discussion is supported by tables giving the full set of primary reference standards for ...