}elseif(method_exists($model,'mmfPrimaryKey')) { $result = $model->mmfPrimaryKey(); }return$result; } 开发者ID:MGGROUP,项目名称:SAMDEPURACION,代码行数:40,代码来源:MultiModelForm.php 注:本文中的CModel::primaryKey方法示例由纯净天空整理自Github/MSDocs等开源代码及文档管理平台,相关代码片段筛...
In theModifydialog that opens, enter the name of your primary key in theNamefield. Click theAddbutton ( ) in theColumnspane of the primary key editor tab. In theColumn Namefield, type or select the column that you want to make a primary key. In thePreviewpane, you can view and chang...
}parent::attach($owner);$this->ownerPrimaryKey =$this->owner->primaryKey()[0];if(!isset($this->translationModelName,$this->translationOwnerField,$this->languageField)) {thrownewInvalidConfigException('Please specify contentModelName and contentOwnerKey in the '. get_class($this->owner) .'...
包括primary key, unique key, foreign key 等。 2、主键索引primary key primary key有两个作用,一是约束作用(constraint),用来规范一个存储主键和唯一性,但同时也在此key上建立了一个主键索引; PRIMARY KEY 约束:唯一标识数据库表中的每条记录; 主键必须包含唯一的值; 主键列不能包含 NULL 值; 每个表都应该...
Primary and foreign key function in php I have a school project where we need to register student and then let them choose which sports they want to join. My problem is I don't get why do I need to use Primary key and foreign key. Can you tell me in as simple word or example. ...
(PHP 4 <= 4.1.0, PECL dbplus >= 0.9) dbplus_rkeys— Specify new primary key for a relation说明 mixed dbplus_rkeys ( resource $relation , mixed $domlist ) dbplus_rkeys() will replace the current primary key for relation with the combination of domains specified by domlist. ...
mysql的key和index多少有点令人迷惑,单独的key和其它关键词结合的key(primary key)实际表示的意义是不同,这实际上考察对数据库体系结构的了解的。 1 : key 是数据库的物理结构,它包含两层意义和作用, 一是约束(偏重于约束和规范数据库的结构完整性), ...
Posted Convert int primarykey to Bigint 685 Sridhar Marella November 02, 2022 10:20PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is not reviewed in advance by Oracle and does not neces...
一、介绍一下索引的类型Mysql常见索引有:主键索引、唯一索引、普通索引、全文索引、组合索引PRIMARY KEY(主键索引) ALTER TABLE `table_name` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `column` ) UNIQUE(唯一索引) ALTER TABLE `t...
PRIMARY KEY (user_name(255),session_id) If I'm doing a select with a join with user_sessions table on session_id column it takes a very long time (e.g. 8 sec). If I'm defining an index only for the session_id or I define the primary key as PRIMARY KEY (session_id, user_na...