Integrated primary health and community care — NSW is well on the wayGovernment, The N S WNsw, HealthonePlan, N S W StateDirection, NewNsw, ThePrimary, Integrated
Sydney, NSW: Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales; 2011. Contract No.: 43. Google Scholar Edwards B, Higgins DJ. Is caring a health hazard? The mental health and vitality of carers of a person with a disability in Australia. Med J Aust. 2009;190(7):S61–S5....
Integration of refugees into routine primary care in NSW, Australia. There is an urgent need for more integrated health service provision for people from refugee backgrounds, based on trust and communication. This requires ... F Mark,Harris - 《Public Health Research & Practice》 被引量: 1发表...
rates of interrupted schooling, limited English language proficiency, and limited social support and networks are at exceptionally elevated risk for poor health literacy [33]. People from refugee backgrounds, mainly Africans, face significant health literacy issues, such as difficulty navigating the Austra...
Indigenous health project officers were based in both the ACCHS sector (in national and state based peak bodies) and support organisations for mainstream general practice (then known as Divisions of General Practice, now Primary Health Networks (2023)). These positions were to provide leadership in...
To evaluate the effect of three CAMCOM interventions on clinical asthma outcomes Method: Health Care Professionals (HCPs) from three general practice networks were recruited into one of three groups (1, 2, and 3) receiving one of three models of interprofessional education (joint setting group, ...
During the pandemic, patients and citizens have used mobile applications to access information and services related to mental health, raising concerns regarding regulations, efficiency, safety, and underlying guidelines [33]. Elsewhere, primary health networks and aged care facilities in Australia have ...
(EOD-CBRN) Group of the Spanish National Police, whose identities cannot be disclosed, and who are represented here by JMNG. The authors also thank Manuel Guerrero-Claro for his technical assistance with the implementation of the neural networks, and the companies CAMBRICO BIOTECH (Sevilla, ...
and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 6Centre for Education and Research On Ageing, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Concord Repatriation Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia; 7School for Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Health, Medicine and ...
A limitation of the study is that it is possible that other perspectives of children’s views could have been captured using a larger sample. Recruitment of schools during Term 4 (last term of the school year) coincided with COVID-19 public health measures in the state of NSW, enforcing sc...