Trachoma. In: Aboriginal Primary Health Care: An Evidence-based Approach, 2nd edn. Melbourne: Oxford University Press; 2003. p. 572-93.Aboriginal Primary Health Care: An Evidence-Based Approach - Couzos, Murray - 1999 () Citation Context ...preventive care. Beyond addressing potential health ...
Primary health care for Aboriginal women and children in the year after birth: findings from a population-based study in South AustraliaPrimary health care for Aboriginal women and children in the year after birth: findings from a population-based study in South AustraliaAboriginal maternal and child...
摘要: This article reviews the book "Aboriginal Healthworkers: Primary Health Care at the Margins," by William Genat, with Sharon Bushby, May McGuire, Eileen Taylor, Yvette Walley, and Thelma Weston.DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-842x.2007.00070.x 年份: 2007 ...
The majority had seen a primary health care practitioner since the birth: 86% had seen a Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS) nurse, 81% a general practitioner (GP), and 61% an Aboriginal health worker (AHW). Women living in remote areas were more likely to have seen primary care ...
Primary health care for Aboriginal women and children in the year after birth: findings from a population-based study in South Australia in South Australia Primary health care for Aboriginal women and children in the year after birth: findings from a population-based study in South Australia... ...
Primary Health Care Abstract Primary Health Care (PHC) is a whole of society approach to health and well-being that is focused on the needs and circumstances of individuals, their families, and communities. PHC principles guide health professionals in facilitating equitable conditions that redress ...
As the peak body for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS), NACCHO endorses the recommendations of the Review, subject to three fundamental principles, including an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led Approach that ensures solutions are driven and determined by Aboriginal and Torr...
Improving preventive health care in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary care settings Priority evidence-practice gaps and associated barriers, enablers and strategies to address the gaps were identified and reported back through two-stages of ... Jodie,Bailie,Veronica,Matthews,Alison,Laycock,....
United Nations Secretariat: Basic principles for the treatment of prisoners. 1990, New York: United Nations Secretariat Centre for Human Rights Google Scholar Frazer A: Primary health care in prisons. Health in prisons: a WHO guide to the essentials in prison health. Edited by: Moller L, Stov...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women across Victoria will gain better access to essential healthcare through a new free virtual women’s health clinic and a mobile health van. These services will provide expert medical care, reproductive health support, and mental health referrals, particularly...