After the "World Health Day 1972" with the slogan "Your Heart is Your Health", announced by WHO and ISC, considerable effort has been undertaken world-wide to control themajor cardiovascular diseases, especially by preventive measures. Taking increasingly into consideration that cardiovascular disease...
Last month,WHOissueditsWorldhealthreport,this yeardevoted toprimaryhealthcare, whichalsobringsastrongfocusonprevention. 上个月,世卫组织发表了《世界卫生报告》,今年的主题是初级卫生保健,它同时对预防给予了强烈关注。 10. Iwaspleasedtoseeprimaryhealthcarementionedsofrequentlyin thedocumentsprepared...
Safety, Reliability, and Standardization for Decreasing Health Care-Associated Infections Terry P. Clemmer, MD 2:00 PM 628 Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia: What Works, What Doesn’t Donald Craven, MD, FIDSA 2:00 PM 629 Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection Prevention: Are ...
The organization of health-care delivery in primary care practices plays a key role in cancer prevention, and the targeting of specific populations is also supported by the evidence. We raise the issue of balancing the potential benefits and harms of screening and the need to inform patients of...
5) The prevention of disease 预防疾病 例句>> 6) Preventive health care 预防保健 1. It is considered both as an effective therapeutic factor and as the most basic method of preventive health care. 健康教育是卫生保健的首要内容 ,是整体护理的重要组成部分 ,是一项有效的治疗因素和高效益的医疗...
Primary Health Care: Newsroom - Keep up-to-date with all the latest nursing and healthcare-related news, opinion, and events within our noticeboard.
The programs, services and institutions involved emphasise the prevention of disease and the health needs of the population as a whole. Public health activities change with changing technology and values, but the goals remain the same: to reduce the amount of disease, premature death and disability...
maternal and child care, including family planning; immunization against the major infectious diseases; prevention and control of locally endemic diseases; education concerning prevailing health problems and methods of preventing and controlling them; and appropriate treatment for common diseases and injuries...
Some healthcare systems attempt to shift some of the burden from the physician by empowering support staff to provide certain preventive services. For example, in my practice, medical assistants perform the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 fordepressionand the AUDIT-C for riskyalcohol use; administerinf...
and revive the Primary Health Care system to ensure availability of and access to adequate and affordable [...] 政府还打算减少婴儿死亡率和振兴初 级医疗 保 健制 度 ,确 保提 供并使人人 都能获得适足的、能负担得起 的医保,并提供政府扩大的免疫计划制度下使用的 所有抗...