...诊所(klinikswasta),为12万人口提供初级保健服务(primary healthcare)。 majubentong.com|基于2个网页 3. 家庭医学及基层医疗部 ... Department of Accident & Emergency 急症科 Department of Family Medicine &Primary Healthcare家庭医学及基层医疗部... ...
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Health Resources and Services Administration. Bureau of Primary Health Care 展开 摘要: This Web site will help you find a clinic that will give you medical care, even if you have no medical insurance or money.This Web site provides the address...
American Journal of Public HealthTilson HH, Jellinek P: Primary health care and the local health department: The North Carolina experience. American J. of Public Health 71 (1):35–45, Jan. 1981.Tilson, H. H., and Jellinek, P.: Primary health care and the local health department: the ...
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center (CMMI)announcedthe CMS Primary Cares Initiative (PCI) as the latest HHS effort to transform the health care system to value-based care. CMS has the ambitious goal of cov...
PriHEMAC is a reputable NGO with CAC Registration No. IBZ 004797 in 1998. The main vision of PriHEMAC is to promote the health status and wellbeing of vulnerable members of the communities, particularly children, mothers and the elderly.
Current research suggests that people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at higher risk of physical and mental health disorders. This study aimed to explore these health risks in ADHD from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders.
With a total annual health care cost of €16.95 billion (€2673 per patient) and a total non-medical cost of €88.2 billion (€13,911 per patient), the impact of dementia on the financial health of Europe should not be under-estimated [1]. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most ...
The theme of the 2025 Conference is: “Nurturing a Strong Tomorrow Through Culture, Care and Community” AHCWA (Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia)will also be hosting the WA Aboriginal Youth Conference, which will provide young people aged 16 to 19 with a platform for professional ...
This paper presents a report to be submitted to the National Information Service Department of General Practice Flinders University concerning the urgent issues/priorities for primary health care (PHC) research evaluation and development. The topics discussed include: 1) PHC research on indigenous RH ...
Reported health, lifestyles, and use of health care of first generation immigrants in The Netherlands: do socioeconomic factors explain their adverse posit... OBJECTIVE: Differences in health, lifestyles, and use of health care between groups of varying ethnic origin can have important implications ...