or thousands of online donors. For years, aspirants to this office viewed it as a steppingstone to higher office, or as a ripe opportunity to build a patronage army," Spyropoulos said to a packed room with the
As we know, the House isn’t a natural stepping stone to the presidency, but she has already worked to position herself as a staunch Trump loyalist in the House. Plus, she echoes that same fighter rhetoric we were talking about earlier. Take the debate about whether she should be strippe...
The candidates are aiming to take back a district that’s has become solidly blue in recent years By Marc Rod June 18, 2020 SHARE keeping the faith Israeli right still hopeful about Trump presidency despite ‘terrible’ cease-fire deal
"FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA WORLD RADIO CONTACT: chris@freedomfightersforamerica.com or chris@walkingtall.us "Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront ...
On October 28th, Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria declared in an army order that his troops "had just been fighting under very difficult conditions," and he added: "It is our business now not to let the struggle with our most detested enemy drag on longer. The decisive blow is still to be ...
After working at a Philadelphia law firm, he joined the Army Reserves as a Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG) officer; he remains active as a defense lawyer for the Pennsylvania National Guard. Solomon has represented the 202nd District in the state House, which encompasses part of northeas...
The unfortunate army of the Dunajec, whose commander and number are as well known in England as here, began then to fall back with what there was left of it on the San, tearing up railroads and fighting a rearguard action with what strength it could command....
The newUS ArmyMuseum aims totell the story of its soldiers.Itfeatures the“Fighting for the NationGalleries”(its main space), the“Armyand Society Gallery,”andaspecific section for soldiers’stories.It“will honor United States Soldiers–past,present,and future–and provide an inter-active ...
1) It all but ignores, and at times misrepresents, the well documented historical record that articulates the Army and the War Department’s official position on Wounded Knee and the honors conferred. 2) It presents only the perspective of the Lakota peoples, whose ancestors were the very forc...
Sam Brown, a retired Army captain, has the state party’s endorsement and has been surprisingly competitive with Laxalt in fundraising. Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo carries the Trump endorsement in the GOP gubernatorial primary and is seen as the frontrunner. Former Sen. Dean Heller, who ...