文档名称: a unique lepidopteran assemblage in primary forest understory of central sri lanka英文.pdf 格式:pdf 大小:693KB 页数:4页 该文档暂不支持下载,请选择其他文档。 下载后只包含 1 个 PDF 格式的文档,没有任何的图纸或源代码,查看文件列表 如果您已付费下载过本站文档,您可以点这里二次下载a ...
6 As more educated women are more likely to use health services, and particularly preventive care, countries such as China, Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, and Kerala state that make a political commitment to both education and primary care services achieve relatively high life expectancies despite low ...
The multiple logistic regression analysis model allowed us to extend the analysis by isolating predictors of young people’s perception of discrimination based on gender, age, education, economic and disability status while considering variations in individual, interpersonal, and social-level factors under...
multidisciplinary, individually tailored intervention designed to overcome the deconditioning induced by CRDs13. The components of PR include, but are not limited to, exercise programmes, chest physiotherapy, education, and supporting self-management and lifestyle change, after optimising the recommended...
Limited health literacy is a universal problem, especially (but not only) in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs).8,9,10For example, nearly 90% of adults with type 2 diabetes attending primary care clinics in Malaysia11and a third of teachers in Sri Lanka12were assessed as having limited...
mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal. In The Lords light may we be blessed, And protected from Evil and tyranny. Amen...HOME In...
In: Tenore, K. R., Coull, B. C. (eds.) Marine benthic dynamics. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, p. 31–323 Silva, E. I. L., Davies, R. W. (1986). Primary productivity and related parameters in three different types of inland waters in Sri Lanka. Hydrobiologia 137...
Their pilot study assessed the feasibility and effectiveness of an education initiative delivered by Muslim faith leaders that aimed to reduce second-hand smoke in the home. The researchers found no differences in recent smoke exposure between households who took part in the initiative and those who...
Guidelines need to be developed for PHC facilities, like those assessed in this study. Through improved training of health care workers, the disaster preparedness of a facility may be strengthened [32]. Primarily, existing training and education mechanisms should be used [33]. The effectiveness of...