Primary education is considered as free and compulsory basic fundamental right to the children between the ages of 6 to 14 under the various article written in constitution of India. Both, public and private sector provide education in India....
Third section discusses the issues and opportunities that primary education would have in India due to globalization. The analysis of those challenges and opportunities in both areas will help to discover tools which can be used to mitigate issues and to entrap opportunities to inculcate education ...
Since its independence, India has made spectacular progress concerning all aspects of school education, including universal access, participation, and retention. Still, the goal of universal school education is far out of reach. Quality of education is o
India has accorded a mission status to 'Education for All' over the past decade. Since Independence this goal remains elusive, due to certain disadvantaged groups remaining out of the fold of education. One such group is the 'disabled', within which those with severe learning difficulties (SLD...
India continues to face challenges in attainment of quality of primary education. This paper analyses the importance of primary education which has been widely recognized by everyone in society. Primary Education is the backbone for achieving sound higher education system. In this respect related infras...
It is well established that improvements in education are associated with long-term improvements in economic performance. There are three broad theories about how education influences economic performance according to David Earle (2010):...
castes, Scheduled tribes and Backward so that they may impart education based on modern lines to pre-school children with stress on moral, intellectual, physical and social personalities it was found that there was no training for teachers in India for preschool going children education..Read More...
Mindray India and CInI ( Tata) - came together for a 2 months partnership to strengthen Education Standard in Schools of Halol Block, Panchmahal District-Gujarat, a semi-arid predominantly tribal region where more than 94% of the farmers are marginal/ sm
Check out the nearest and great schools located in Kerala. Here you can see the list of Kerala school. Madhya Pradesh Schools 47 Listings See the list of Madhya Pradesh most popular schools at Indian school mart. Here you can easily compare and pick one of them for your child education. ...
Moreover, other schools are still aligning the classes to be fully online, while others are blended, which offers students the choice of the learning modality they would like to use. In response to the global outbreak, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) of the Philippines released ...