(in scholarly studies) pertaining to or being a firsthand account, original data, etc., or based on direct knowledge, as in primary source primary research immediate or direct, or not involving intermediate agency: primary perceptions. Sociology.(of social values or ideals) conceived as derived ...
Secondary sources can include history books, articles, websites like this one (other websites might be a primary source to ‘contemporary history’.) Not everything ‘old’ is a primary historical source: plenty of medieval or ancient works are secondary sources based on now lost primary sources...
Choosing options is only suitable for simple yes/no, true/false or multiple-choice questions, but because it is an all-learner response system, (as opposed to asking for ‘hands up who knows the answer routines’), it gives the teacher instant data on the extent of understanding across the...
Nega Jibat, PhD candidate and Associate Professor, has received his MA and BA Degrees in Sociology from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Associate Professor Jibat's major research interests include sociology of health and illness, vulnerable groups like women, children, the elderly and youth, crim...
British Journal of Sociology of Education; 15 (3): 307–324. Mac an Ghaill M (1996) What about the boys? Schooling, class and crisis masculinity. The Sociological Review; 44 (3): 381–397. Mauthner NS and Doucet A (1998) Reflections on a voice centred relational method of data ...
In the other Finnish school, data were collected during a one-day visit to the school (n = 3). Teachers were interviewed during the school day and were also visited in their classrooms for one lesson. In the classroom visits, the following aspects were observed: the arrangement of the ...
Figures & data References Citations Metrics Reprints & Permissions Read this article Abstract This paper explores how teachers in a poor township primary school in South Africa construct meaning regarding gender violence among children, and how they talk about addressing that violence. The pap...
Using a variety of qualitative methods, I present data suggesting that pupils in five classes gained valuable insight into a complicated and controversial issue. However viewing children through a refugee/non-refugee binary was reductive, not recognising the multi-layered nuances of meaning which were...
The data were assessed for normal distribution and homogeneity using the Shapiro-Wilk and Levene's tests (Uttley, 2019). Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to examine longitudinal changes when assumptions were met. Conversely, when violations of assumptions were present, ...
The data of the current study came from the 2019 classroom observations conducted in 62 primary schools (Year 4–8, student aged about 8–12) across New Zealand. Among the 62 primary schools, 55% (n = 34) are considered as low decile schools (Decile 1–3), which represents the low so...