TOWARDS A CULTURE OF SUSTAINABLE CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT IN ZIMBABWEAN PRIMARY SCHOOLS: THE CASE OF GWERU DISTRICT. The purpose of the study was aimed at finding out whether a culture of sustainable conflict transformation and management existed in Zimbabwean Primary Schools. The need ...
They question society's capitulation to computer models, nanosecond culture, and computerspeak, arguing instead for a new time orientation that would retain past achievements and language, accommodate our activities with the biological and physical rhythms of the natural world. Jeremy Rifkin offers ...
knowledge of Sámi culture and language in the public health care and prison system represented a threat to the Sámi cultures. 但是关闭当地学校以及在公共保健和监狱体 系中缺乏对萨米文化和语言的了解是对萨米文化 的 一 个 威胁。 3(1A) in addition to ...
Conflict of interest statement: All the authors of the manuscript declare that they have no conflict of interest in connection with this paper. References [1] Swerlow S.H., Campo E., HarrisN.L., Jaffe E.S., Pileri S.A., Stein H., WHO classification of tumours of haematopoietic and ...
Recommendations include that students could learn songs, and drama that depict peace and conflict and their consequences. There should be peace and justice club in schools, to enable them develop the culture of peace and conflict resolution.Felicia Nkechi Akubue...
Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 14 (2) (2011), pp. 129-140, 10.1080/13674670903456463 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Abdel-Khalek, 2012 * A.M. Abdel-Khalek Subjective well-being and religiosity: a cross-sectional study with adolescents, young and middle-age adults Mental Health, Religion &...
This research was made possible by funding from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, OCW/PromoDoc/1065001. The funding source had no involvement in the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of the data. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare. CRediT...
Cell culture supernatants were collected for the measurement of the levels of A IL-6 and B TNF-α. Graphs data are representative of six independent experiments. Data are presented as the mean ± SEM #P < 0.05 versus infected and untreated group. Full size image ATV prevented SARS...
culture vessel and confined the cell mass less than 400 µm (in radial diameter) to ensure efficient mass transport. They also provided microspaces for cells to interact with each other and expand. Cell culture medium could efficiently diffuse through the alginate hydrogel shell. An ...
History, precedent, and progress in the development of mammalian cell culture systems for preparing vaccines: Safety considerations revisited The use of cell substrates to propagate viruses or recombinant plasmids for vaccine productions has been the subject of long evolutionary conflict, primari... MR...