Primary Colors is a novel written by the anonymous author Joe Klein. It was first published in 1996 and is a fictionalized account of Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign. The novel follows the main character, Jack Stanton, as he campaigns for the presidency and faces various scandals and...
I threw out such ideas as warm and cool colors, primary and secondary colors, complementary colors and so on. Wheels don't have to be round Now that Newsweek columnist Joe Klein has confessed that he is the author of Primary Colors, I am forced to admit that I am also Anonymous--the ...
Primary Colors is a roman à clef (French for "novel with a key," real-life events in the guise of fiction) inspired by U.S. President Bill Clinton's first presidential campaign in 1992. While many characters and events in the novel are based on reality, much of the book is fictional...
Random House, Inc. Academic Resources | Primary Colors by AnonymousA brilliant and penetrating look behind the scenes of modern American politics, is a funny, wise, and dramatic story with characters and events that resemble some familiar, real-life figures. When a former congressional aide ...
Primary Colors by Anonymous portrays this fraudulent game perfectly‚ exhibiting all of the dark aspects of a political campaign: from the vicious media in their pursuit of scandals‚ to the traitorousness of opposing candidates to destroy each other‚ all the Premium Activism Political ...
David Streitfeld
In 1708, the anonymous author of the first hue circle of artists' paints divided colours into primitive colours ("Couleurs Primitives") "that cannot be composed of other colors", mixed colors that are mixed from these primitive colors, and other colours "that are composites of the primitive ...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "The Thursday Interview: Joe Klein; `I Did Some Really Stupid Things' ; He Caused a Scandal as the Anonymous Author of Primary Colors. but Joe Klein Says He Has Learned from His Mistakes. Now He's
Even though Tom Hanks declined the big-screen version of Primary Colors, he wishes he could be more like the best-seller’s author used to be…Anonymous. When the star turned tail on the Mike Nichols film, the press went hog wild, claiming that Hanks’ close ties to President Clinton mad...
Left a job that I had email attached to home outlook account. Now I have new job with new o365 account. Office applications are now downloaded...