EdOptions Academy (EOA) pairs research-based online curriculum with state-certified online teachers to provide a student-centered kindergarten through career virtual learning experience. EOA also offers supplemental instructional services fit for virtual and in-person classrooms. With 500+ courses ranging ...
Often music teachers are called upon to teach a preschool program, either in the school or around the community. As well as this, we know that sometimes kindergarten classes need more materials to keep them busy and on track. For these reasons we include a complete Pre-K lesson plan curricu...
Found in: 1st Grade • 2nd Grade • Kindergarten • Language Arts • Mathematics • October • September • Visual Arts Related lessons: Blushing Pumpkins Oodles of Pumpkins Silly Pumpkins: Just for Fun (Or Fund-Raising) Five Little Pumpkins Rolled Out of Sight BIG Pumpkins!Comments...
Kiz School - This site offers English Courses for kids from Preschool, Kindergarten to 6th Grade. You don't have to be a professional teacher to teach kids. ESL Kids Lab has teamed up with the following, equally good websites to give you a great experience using the web in teaching. ESL...
Students come into kindergarten not being able to read “yet.” They do not know how to add or subtract “yet.” But, by the end of the year, they can do all of that and more. But the word “yet” doesn’t just disappear after they graduate Kindergarten. In 1st, 2nd, and grades...
This easy and educational craft is part of mywhales mini-unit for kindergarten and first grade. It includes cross-curricular activities for science, reading, writing, math and art. The best part? It also includes a lesson plan and teaching guide for you!
If you teach kindergarten through third grade, this is the book for you. Get practical ideas and lesson plan templates that you can implement tomorrow! GET YOUR COPY TODAY! I hope this post gave you a starting point for planning systematic vocabulary instruction in the primary grades! Be ...
Easing First Day Jitters for Kids: K-2 Classroom Welcome Ideas15 Fun First Day of School Activities for Kindergarten to Second GradeHow to Make Back to School Writing Fun and Exciting Reader Interactions 3 Comments MARIA N MORENO I feel inspired by your words. I am a seasoned teacher, but...
Kindergarten is not a requirement in many states, so it is possible that a child's first full time experience could be in first grade. This post contains affiliate links for Amazon. By purchasing an item on the Amazon site using these links, I will receive a small commission on your ...
Knowledge of what students know is indispensable for educational decision-making. This is true at all levels of education, from kindergarten to university, and from the micro-setting of a classroom to the macro-environment of educational policy. Without information about student learning, the educatio...