Primary ciliary dyskinesia.Primary ciliary dyskinesia.Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of cilia structure and function, leading to chronic infections of the respiratory tract, fertility problems and disorders of organ laterality. Making a definitive diagnosis is challenging...
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare heterogeneous genetic disorder affecting ciliary function. Genes coding for various ciliary structural proteins or cytoplasmic proteins responsible for the assembly of cilia can be mutated resulting in abnormal ciliary function. However, despite the diversity of ...
foundation,thePCDfoundation,andwithleadinvestigatorsandclinicians,isdevelopinga networkofPCDclinicalcenterstocoordinatetheeffortinNorthAmericaandEurope.Asthe networkgrows,careandknowledgewillimprove. Keywords Bronchiectasis;cilia;ciliarydyskinesia;sinusitis;otitis;dyneinarms;situsinversus;Pseudomonas aeruginosa Background...
Primary Ciliary DyskinesiaJason Lobo, MD [Assistant Professor of Medicine], Maimoona A Zariwala, PhD [Associate Professor of Medicine and Laboratory Medicine], and Peadar G Noone, MD, FCCP, FRCPI [Professor of Medicine]The Division of Pulmonary Diseases, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill,...
(redirected fromPrimary ciliary dyskinesia) Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia cil·i·ar·y (sĭl′ē-ĕr′ē) adj. 1.Of, relating to, or resembling cilia. 2.Of or relating to the ciliary body and associated structures of the eye. ...
Primary ciliary dyskinesia is a genetic disorder causing dysfunctional motility of cilia and impaired mucociliary clearance, resulting in a myriad of clini
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an inherited disorder characterized by impaired ciliary function that leads to an array of clinical manifestations including chronic bronchitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic otitis media, situs inversus (in ~50% of cases), and infertility. The underlying genetic and...
Primary ciliary dyskinesia is the generic term for a heterogeneous group of inherited diseases in which ciliary ultrastructure is defective and as a consequence ciliary motility is disturbed. An international consensus on the diagnostic criteria has not yet been reached. This paper reviews some recent ...
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a genetic disease that causes abnormalities in ciliary structure and/or function. Ciliated cells line the upper and lower respiratory tracts and the Eustachian tube. Impairment of mucus clearance at these sites leads to sinusitis, repeated pulmonary infections, ...
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare disorder (prevalence 1/20000), caused by congenital dysmotility of the respiratory cilia. Humoral immunodeficiency (HID) often presents in a similar way with recurrent ear, nose and sinopulmonary infections, not seldom evolving to chronic lung disease. Alt...