2016 Primary Care Respiratory Society UK (PCRS-UK) Annual Conference: Fit for the Future—A Holistic Approach to Respiratory Care Telford International Centre, Telford, UK, 14–15 October 2016 Sponsorship: Publication of this supplement was funded by Primary Care Respiratory Society UK (PCRS-UK)...
In the UK, more patients go to primary care than other parts of the health service. Therefore it is important for research into primary care to include the insights and views of people who receive these services. To explore the extent, quality and impact
Patients’ and doctors’ views on depression severity questionnaires incentivised in UK quality and outcomes framework: qualitative study. BMJ. 2009;338(7697):1–9. Google Scholar Kendrick T, El-Gohary M, Stuart B, et al. Routine use of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for improving...
Department of Palliative Care Policy and Rehabilitation, Cicely Saunders Institute, King's College London, London, UK Eleni Epiphaniou, Cathy Shipman, Richard Harding, Irene J Higginson & Barbara A Daveson Primary Palliative Care Research Group, Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edi...
Participation by communities in improving the quality of health services has become a feature of government policy in the United Kingdom. The aim of the study was to involve a deprived community in the UK in shaping quality improvements of local primary
Self-esteem reflects the way we see ourselves. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship among self-esteem, bio-psycho-social functioning, and sociodemographic conditions in the elderly. The study included 300 individuals over 60 years of a