At Mission Ranch Primary Care in Chico, CA, we offer high-quality patient care and individual attention for your well-being. Contact us at (530) 894-0500.
There are no copays or deductibles and no extra charge for primary care services, tests and medications routinely provided by Dr. Carlson in our office. Your insurance continues to function as usual outside our office. Thank you so much for your interest but our practice is currently full. ...
Chico-MoralejaR. M.Gómez-CampeloP.SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGYSalinero-Fort MA, Jimenez-Garcia R, de Burgos-Lunar C, Chico-Moraleja RM, Gomez-Campelo P. Common mental dis- orders in primary health care: differences between Latin American-born and Spanish-born residents in ...
Get direct primary care for your family! Avoid copays and get a great continuity of care with Rhonda Carlson, MD.
Salinero-Fort MA, Jimenez-Garcia R, de Burgos-Lunar C, Chico-Moraleja RM, Gomez-Campelo P. Common mental dis- orders in primary health care: differences between Latin American-born and Spanish-born residents in Madrid, Spain. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2015;50:429---43....
Cognitive, functional, physical, and nutritional status of the oldest old encountered in primary care: A systematic reviewdoi:10.1186/S12875-020-01128-7Emile EscourrouFlorence DurrieuBruno ChicoulaaVirginie GardetteBioMed Central
This goal could be achieved through more widespread awareness of the...doi:10.1016/S1098-3015(10)67745-5H LemassonJ Jasso MosquedaA ChicoyeElsevier Inc.Value in Health
These findings suggest that a specific approach in the care of the oldest old could help prevent disability.doi:10.1186/s12875-020-01128-7Emile EscourrouFlorence DurrieuBruno ChicoulaaJulie DupouyVirginie GardetteBMC Family Practice