and accumulated a lot of experiences, especially in the prevention and control of COVID-19 at the primary care level. Here, we would like to share how the Chinese Alliance for Respiratory Diseases in Primary Care (
China has pioneered advances in primary health care (PHC) and public health for a large and diverse population. To date, the current state of PHC in China has not been subjected to systematic assessments. Understanding variations in primary care services could generate opportunities for improving th...
PrimaryHealthCare-基础医疗卫生服务应该在中国 新医改中得到正确理解和全面实施 徐国平,王家骥 【摘要】 英文 “primaryhealthcare”(PHC)-基础 (基本)医疗卫生服务这个概念在中国被错误地理解和翻 译成 “初级卫生保健”已经有半个多世纪。而专科医疗则被认为是 “先进的高级医疗服务”。这种对PHC的错误理解 渗透...
Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Subjects Health services Public health This article is cited by Preference for primary care in Chinese homebound patients Jinxin Zhang Xiaojie Sun Aaron Yao BMC Public Health (2024)...
Significant predictors of ITL were included in the multiple binary logistic regression with 'intention to leave' as the dependent variable.In 2010, 32.7% of the 98 participating primary care midwives surveyed had considered an intention to leave their current type of job in the past year. Fewer ...
healthcareprimarychinalancetkrumholz Review2584.thelancetVol390December9,2017Theprimaryhealth-caresysteminChinaXiLi*,JiapengLu*,ShuangHu,KKCheng,JanDeMaeseneer,QingyueMeng,EliasMossialos,DongRomanXu,WinnieYip,HongzhaoZhang,HarlanMKrumholz†,LixinJiang†,ShengshouHu†Chinahasmaderemarkableprogressinstrength...
Objective: This scoping review aims to map the available literature on the application of primary health care principles as reflected in the implementation of national-level community health worker programs in the context of low-and middle-income countries. Introduction: There is extensive literature on...
To assess the role of the primary care provider (PCP) in the diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis in children by determining whether there were differences in the treatment and outcome of children whose parents contacted the PCP before taking the child to the hospital compared with those...
Recently the financial status of primary care trusts has come under considerable scrutiny by the government, and financial deficits have been blamed on poor local management of resources. This paper examines the factors that differ between those Primary Care Trusts (PCT) in financial deficit and thos...
Policy makers who wish to promote shared decision-making need to ensure that incentives which prioritize access and health outcomes do not militate against shared decision-making in general practice. 展开 关键词: Physician–patient relations Shared decision-making Primary health care ...