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Overview of Holly Springs Primary School Holly Springs Primary School is a public school located in Holly Springs, MS, which is in a distant town setting. The student population of Holly Springs Primary School is 358 and the school serves PK-3. At Holly Springs Primary School, 12% of studen...
Holly Springs Primary School held its Pre-K End of the Year Program on Tuesday, May 21. Pre-K teacher is Mrs. Campbell, and teacher assistant is Ms. McGraw. The theme for this year was “Making Small Miracles a Great Success.” The program included the Pledge of Allegiance, a poem, s...
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Dominic’s Priory College students had been selected by the Victorian community organisation, Connections Uniting Care, as the 2012 Anti- Poverty School Award recipient. Of the St Dominic’s submission the Committee had this to say. “Te Committee was blown away by the way your school is ...