When implementing mental health interventions for refugees and asylum seekers in LMICs, primary care doctors recognize the constrained primary care system and the low recognition rates of common mental disorders as particular challenges [55]. Given the limited resources for mental health in LMICs, most...
Collaboration between primary care doctors and respiratory physicians is a key factor in effective asthma management.Data availability No datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.References Levy, M. L. The national review of asthma deaths: what did we learn and what needs to ...
The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) was established in 1993 by the World Health Organization and the US National Heart Lung and Blood Institute to improve asthma awareness, prevention and management worldwide. GINA develops and publishes evidence-bas
Healthcare coordination and continuity of care conceptualize all care providers and organizations involved in health care to ensure the right care at the right time. However, systematic evidence synthesis is lacking in the care coordination of health services. This scoping review synthesizes evidence on...
Adailton da Silva, JoséValentim, Ricardo A. de M.Lima, Thaísa G. F. M. S.Gusmo, Cristine M. G.da Rocha, Marcela A.Dos Santos, Marquiony M.Caitano, Alexandre R.de Barros, Rosires M. B.Rosendo, Tatyana SouzaFrontiers in Public Health...
Primary care has been described as the ‘bedrock’ of the National Health Service (NHS) accounting for approximately 90% of patient contacts but is facing significant challenges. Against a backdrop of a rapidly ageing population with increasingly complex
Our recent population survey showed that 8.2% of primary consultations were provided by CMPs and that many patients in Hong Kong regarded CMPs as their family doctors17. With 9,513 registered CMPs in Hong Kong providing primary care service18, the importance of TCM for patients with chronic ...
In English Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), clinical governance is therefore accomplished through local medical networks under the local professional leaders whom doctors recognise, rather than general managers, as their 'politically' legitimate leaders: 'Some English GPs now exercise a soft governance over ...
Wong C, Harrison C, Britt H, Henderson J. Patient use of the internet for health information. Aust Fam Physician. 2014;43(12):875–7. PubMed Google Scholar Im EO, Chee W. An Online Forum As a Qualitative Research Method: Practical Issues. Nurs Res. 2006;55(4):267–73. https://...
“…based on long experience with certain doctors here [laughs] we just mentioned that we’ve known [doctor] for 35 years plus and some of his staff are also here now. I have full confidence in the resources of [healthcare centre] …the same people and the same good care.”– Consumer...