Primary Care Clinician (PCC) Plan Integrated Care Management Programsummary care plan information to the PCC on a monthly basis. A Physician Alert (fax) and/or a phone call by ICMP staff will also be directed to providers for urgent or emergent situations.Partnering with Providers...
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials Study Flow Diagram View LargeDownload PCC, primary care clinician (ie, a physician or nurse practitioner). Table 1. Patient Participant Demographic and Clinical Characteristics by Intervention Statusa View LargeDownload Table 2. Patient-Level Primary Outcomes ...
Clinician fatigue could spell trouble for the primary care workforce and the field itself, researchers indicated. “The administration has now recognized the key role primary care is able to play in reaching vaccination goals,” Rebecca Etz, PhD, co-director of The Larry A. Green ...
Primary care practices are changing the way that they provide care by increasing their medical home functionality. Medical home functionality can improve access to care and increase patient-centeredness, which is essential for persons with mental health
Once the risk factors are identified, the clinician should discuss with the woman how these risks can impact her personal health, potential childbearing, and the overall quality of her life. There are a number of instruments that can be used for PCC risk assessment in primary care settings 2,...
centred/person-centred care where people are involved in a care cycle, including the public, healthcare practitioners, and care organizations or systems. The PCC focuses on organizing principles for integrated care as a service innovation relating to individual service users, families and concerned ...
With the advent of oral agents as first-line therapy for the treatment of ED, the path to discussion of ED and its treatment often winds through the primary care clinician's office. (The term primary care clinician [PCC] is intended to include physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician'...
With the advent of oral agents as first-line therapy for the treatment of ED, the path to discussion of ED and its treatment often winds through the primary care clinician's office. (The term primary care clinician [PCC] is intended to include physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician'...
The protocol described in this article addresses the clinical and economic evaluation of an IM primary care clinic. Although the outcomes and processes of care of this particular clinic, as defined in its business plan, are being evaluated, it is anticipated the findings from this study will cont...
Over time, most patients continued to have inadequate knowledge of pulmonary nodules and the nodule follow-up plan. They desired and appreciated more information directly from their primary care provider, particularly about their lung cancer risk. Distress diminished over time for most patients, but ...