Clinical, administrative and clinic support jobs at our PCN in Sherwood Park, Strathcona County, Fort Saskatchewan, Redwater, Lamont, Gibbons, Bon Accord, some parts of Edmonton, and surrounding areas. Current job Postings Quick Links Find a Doctor or Clinic ...
University of AlbertaEdmontonMcKimUniversity of AlbertaEdmontonG MichaelUniversity of AlbertaEdmontonAllanUniversity of AlbertaEdmontonSubstance use & misuseRoss D, Lo F, McKim R, Allan GM. A primary care/multidisciplinary harm reduction clinic including opiate bridging. Substance Use & Misuse. 2008; ...
Office of Lifelong Learning & Physician Learning Program, University of Alberta, 2-590 Edmonton Clinic Health Academy, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 1C9, Canada Denise Campbell-Scherer & Donna Patricia Manca Discipline of Family Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 300 Prince Phillip Drive, St. ...
Primary Care in Canada: the Results of the INSPIRE Study Alan Kaplan1, Ronald Grossman2, Ronald Olivenstein Olivenstein3, Pearce G Wilcox4, Marsha Haynes5 1Family Physician Airways Group of Canada, Edmonton, Canada, 2Credit Valley Hospital, Ontario, Canada, 3McGill University, Montreal, Canada...
95 patients completed the Edmonton Asthma Behaviour Scale (EABS) before each intervention. (49 subjects and 46 controls).This scale includes six domains of asthma-related behaviours; (1) compliance to regimen (2) trigger avoidance (3) prevention activities (4) interaction with health care(5) ...
Dedicated ACs have long demonstrated improved INR control and patient outcomes as well as enhanced patient satisfaction relative to primary care management [[6], [7], [8], [9]]. The University of Alberta AC in Edmonton, Alberta is a pharmacist-run clinic accepting referrals from authorized pre...
This was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design in 6 primary care practices within an academic clinic in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We enrolled community dwelling older adults 65 years and older with frailty who have polypharmacy and/or 2 or more chronic conditions (ie, high-risk group ...
2019). One study described the implementation of an IPV intervention within a PHC setting but involved outreach by a registered nurse outside the clinic setting (Ford-Gilboe et al.,2011). It is important to note that the terms primary health care (PHC) or primary care were both used ...
(Approval ID: PRJ38205). We used different databases including FoxPro, Sunquest, Connect Care and Metabolic Genetics Clinic Databases and generated an Excel Database. Our inclusion criteria were: (1) All individuals with suspected PMD who were referred to our metabolic genetics clinic at the ...
Director, Primary Lung Care ClinicUniversity of TorontoToronto, Canada Prof. Anthony D’Urzo's primary research interests are in respiratory health-asthma and COPD, and experimental case studies. He is actively involved in clinical and pharmaco-therapeutic research in the areas of asthma and Chronic...