Between 2021 and 2023, the CPC program was implemented in 14 community-based primary care clinics at UW. Measures to assess outcomes showed positive effects including uptake of the EHR tools by PCPs, increased cognitive-tests entered into the EHR, and increased number of patients identified with ...
“I think of us as the jack-of-all-trades Swiss Army knives of mental health,” said Rob Bailey, a psychologist with UW Medicine’s Northgate Primary Care clinic who provides integrated care. “We can do a little bit of everything, especially mild to moderate issues.” Heathe...
Now, the DC-30 FullHD is the perfect answer for high quality image performance, with 21.5 inches Full HD LED Monitor and advanced function such as Auto IMT, iScape, Natural Touch Elastography, UWN Contrast Imaging and Tissue Doppler Imaging in General Imaging and Smart OB, Smart face and ...
Primary health care (PHC) could play a central, coordinating role in assessing older adults and managing their care, but at present lacks specific strategies to fulfil this role. Priorities for enhanced care coordination in PHC include: 1) consistent processes to identify and assess older persons ...
The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is increasing globally. Early diagnosis in primary care may have a role in ensuring proper intervention. We aimed to determine the prevalence and outcome of CKD in primary care. We performed an observational
Integrate technology with primary care, 5. Educational sessions, 6. Working with the BLF supported 'breathe easy group'. Measurement of improvement: A service evaluation showed that between November 2013-July 2014, 40% of a cohort of 80 patients discussed at the MDT did not have hospital ...
Telehealth rapidly expanded since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to understand how telehealth can substitute in-person services by 1) estimating the changes in non-COVID emergency department (ED) visits, hospitalizations, and care
Steel, MD, MPH, Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, University of Washington, Harborview Medical Center, 325 Ninth Ave, Campus Box 359762, Seattle, WA 98104 ( Author Contributions: Dr Matson and Ms Oliver had full access to all ...
Health care providers have reported low knowledge, skill, and confidence for discussing movement behaviours (i.e., physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep), which may be improved with the use of tools to guide movement behaviour discussions in
The current study illustrates that CMP is an important vehicle through which to promote primary care services. Notwithstanding, without a clear TCM or WM referral platform in Hong Kong for further clinical follow-up, the management of advanced medical condition of patients could place patients at ...