Liver Cirrhosis, BiliaryGranulomaSkin DiseasesMiddle AgedSkinFemaleA case is described of primary biliary cirrhosis in a 59 year old woman who initially presented with a rash over her lower legs 18 months before diagnosis. Skin biopsy examination showed non-caseating granulomas of the sarcoid type...
The association between primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and cutaneous vasculitides is well recognized. Pustular skin lesions though, have been described in association with hepatobiliary diseases other than PBC. Once the more common infective pustular rashes have been excluded, the differential diagnoses ...
biliarycirrhosispruritusThe article presents a case study of a 75-year old man who was brought to the clinic due to complaints of itching and chronic skin rash for about a year. Examinations reveal that the patient has primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) with pruritus through use of liver biopsy ...
Skin immunopathyA 69-year-old man who 1 year previously got the diagnosis primary biliary cirrhosis presented a highly pruritic rash on the knees, elbows and in the inguinal region. Both clinically and histologically this was compatible with dermatitis herpetiformis, and dapsone treatment confirmed ...
Suzuki A, Van de Water J, Gershwin ME, Jorgensen R, Angulo P, Lindor K. Oral tolerance and pyruvate dehydrogenase in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Dev Immunol 2002;9:55- 61.Suzuki A,van de Water J,Gershwin M E,et al.Oral tolerance and pyruvate dehydrogenase in patients with ...
Suzuki A, Van de Water J, Gershwin ME, Jorgensen R, Angulo P, Lindor K. Oral tolerance and pyruvate dehydrogenase in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Dev Immunol 2002;9:55- 61.Suzuki A, Van de Water J, Gershwin ME, Jorgensen R, Angulo P, Lindor K. Oral tolerance and pyruvate...
Interferon alpha-2b was administered to a 50-year-old Japanese woman with chronic hepatitis C associated with primary biliary cirrhosis. Two months after the beginning of the interferon alpha-2b therapy a systemic nodular, erythematous rash developed. Histological analysis of the skin revealed typical...
Subsequently, “secondary SS” (sSS) extended to other connective tissue diseases (e.g., SLE and Systemic Sclerosis (SScl)) and autoimmune diseases (e.g., primary biliary cirrhosis, thyroiditis and vasculitis) [279]. This nomenclature has also been indirectly “ratified” in AECG Classification...