If we set the primary key on the Name attribute, it will be invalid because two or more students can have the same name. So, if we set the primary key on Name and try to enter the same name for two students, it will display an error. That's why we cannot set the Name attribute...
Sql Server Disable Primary Key with sql server, install visual studio, install sql server, architecture, management studio, datatypes, db operations, login database, create database, select database, drop database, create table, delete tabel, update tabl
Now, run the following command to make "employee_id" a primary key. Now, it will rename your employees table into "old_employees" then create a new table "employees" and transfer all data from onld table to new table. Now you can drop "old_employees" table. Drop Primary Key You canno...
SQL Server Interview Latest Courses We provides tutorials and interview questions of all technology like java tutorial, android, java frameworks Contact info G-13, 2nd Floor, Sec-3, Noida, UP, 201301, India hr@javatpoint.com. Follow us ...
However it is made up of two columns (S_Id and LastName).SQL primary key on ALTER TABLEWhen table is already created and you want to create a PRIMARY KEY constraint on the "S_Id" column you should use the following SQL:Primary key on one column:ALTER TABLE students ADD PRIMARY KEY ...
In this section, we are going to understand the working of the PostgreSQL Primary Key, the examples of the PostgreSQL primary key, and how to manage PostgreSQL primary key constraints over SQL commands.And also, understand how to add an auto-incremented (SERIAL)primary key to a current table...