最早白标系列叫Gore-Tex INFINIUM™,不过大概因为这个系列不防水,为了和经典的防水黑标做区分,近期白标系列已经改头换面,不再加上Gore-Tex前缀,而是直接叫WINDSOPPER™。 经典黑标Gore-Tex系列 VS 白标INFINIUM ↓ 经典黑标Gore-Tex系列 VS 新白标WINDSTOPPER ↓ 经典黑标logo 旧白标logo 新白标logo 其中最经典也是...
Primaloft GOLD 经典金标 市面上最好的合成绝缘保暖材料之一,相当于625蓬羽绒 Primaloft SILVER 经典银标 相当于约570蓬羽绒 Primaloft BLACK 经典黑标 基本款,相当于550蓬羽绒 Primaloft 黑标 VS 银标 VS 金标 ③Thermolite® Thermolite,俗称T棉,和P棉一样,也是合成纤维所制成的绝缘保暖材料,如今是美国杜邦公司旗...
These are PrimaLoft Gold Insulation, PrimaLoft Silver Insulation, and PrimaLoft Black Insulation. A common characteristic that all of these types share is that they are incredibly lightweight. They are all also very packable, which makes products with PrimaLoft insulation easy to store even in small...
Mont-bell Alpine Light Down 自己当时买的蓝色的,比较容易脏,水滴在衣服上渍也比较明显,所以自己决心买件耐脏的。 年初在basegear看到一件黑色montane Black Ice 2.0羽绒服半价,购买链接找不到了在后村找了个(链接),样子也不错,采用的是盒式结构,内部填充250克750FILL鹅绒加Primaloft GOLD棉,看介绍面料也不错,符...
PrimaLoft is a well-known brand in short-staple insulation. It has three main categories: Gold, Silver, and Black. And they've tons of subcategories... PrimaLoft Gold insulators have the highest CLO values among others. And that way, they might maintain your warmth even in harsh weather. ...