byWOW Priest|Mists of Pandaria The latest beta build gave us an interesting peek into some of the new changes coming our way via glyphs. While a number of these are purely flavor and vanity glyphs (and you guys know me, I love my shiny ...
Expansion: WoW Classic Rune Engraving is a new system for Season of Discovery. It allows each class to tailor their gameplay experience by unlocking new unique abilities! In this guide you’ll find all of the runes that are currently available for Priests in Phase 6 of SoD as well as some...
With Shadowform, no one will know if your gear doesn't match. (Image: Blizzard via HGG / Sarah Arnold) Leveling any character inWoW Classiccan be difficult, especially since everything is prone to killing you. Even more so as a squishy priest. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered...
What I would like to see moving forward looking into 11.0 is a way for Shadow to fulfill a damage over time focused talent build and a non-damage over time build or in simple terms a Periodic damage build and a Non-Periodic damage build. I think Shadow should have both primary gameplay...
So now I am talking about how to lean into the design decision made by the blizzard wow devs when they brought in Dark Ascension to ONLY enhance Non-Periodic damage. So I acquiesced and decided okay fine, let’s lean into that and because we have this history of dots/direct damage profi...
These are useful in just about every situation in PvE and will be the core talents for any build. Shadowfiend - Baseline Shadow Word: Death - Baseline Death and Madness and Tithe Evasion - Any build that ever uses Shadow Word: Death should always have these nodes. Dispel Magic - Useful ...
2. Important Talents for 'Deep Holy' Priests Deep Holy in this context refers to you going deep into the Holy tree to pick up a lot of the healing talents, and it goes all out on maximizing your throughput as a healer. There are several variations you can make on this build and it ...
Expansion: WoW Classic Rune Engraving is a new system for Season of Discovery. It allows each class to tailor their gameplay experience by unlocking new unique abilities! In this guide you’ll find all of the runes that are currently available for Priests in Phase 6 of SoD as well as some...
Generally not taken by Holy or Shadow priests for build reasons--the benefit offered by the talent just isn't enough to make it viable. PvP Utility: Good for when you run into a place with a lot of fighting going on. Just remember what was said about Improved PW:F: It won't help ...