Priest Arrested on Molestation Charge
which in the 90s still existed among some theologians and priests in South America and some African countries, in addition to a strong "nip" at the issue of celibacy, mandatory for Catholic priests and increasingly contested, including by themselves, given its unnatural nature. Not being a moral...
Kiesle, who married after leaving the priesthood, was arrested and charged in 2002 with 13 counts of child molestation from the 1970s. All but two were thrown out after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional a California law extending the statute of limitations. He pleaded no...
During the time the molestations occurred, the man said in the depositions, he began to drink on his own. Eventually, he was twice arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. After the second arrest, he entered a court-ordered alcoholism program and during his therapy, in the spr...
H.H. Bancroft in his History of NM and Arizona mentions Abreu: “The alcalde was arrested at the governor’s orders (Albino Perez) by Ramon Abreu who is called prefect.” (The Revolution of 1837, #317) AUTOBIOGRAPHY Padre Martínez wrote his AUTOBIOGRAPHY soon after the Chimayo War of ...
Bhagavat Dham Priest Arrested for MolestationBhuyan, Pranab Jyoti
Priest arrested in molestationStephanie InnesThomas Stauffer
California priest who admitted molestations to cardinal arrested