PRIDEChicago is proud to have produced the Chicago Pride Parade for over 50 years. The Chicago Pride Parade is June 29, 2025, one week after Chicago Pride Fest.
Chicago Pride Fest, presented by the Northalsted Business Alliance, returns Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23. The iconic Chicago Pride Parade is Sunday, June 30, beginning at 11 a.m. Events: The ChicagoPride Parade(June 30, 2024 11am) The 53rd annual Chicago Pride Parade steps off ...
History of the Chicago Pride Parade Learn about Chicago's Pride Parade and theimpact of Pride in Chicago. Photos View photos from the previous Chicago Pride Parade and PrideFest weekend events. Local Travel & Hotel
Chicago Pride Parade Proud Pet Parade Teen Pride Space Security Street Closure Pets Questions, Lost & Found, First Aid Pride Fest News Events,Neighborhood News,Pride Fest Market Days 2024 Recap We’re deeply touched by the overwhelming success of Market Days 2024, a standout moment in our 42-...
The 53rd annual Chicago Pride Parade stepped off at 11AM on Sunday June 30, 2024 Since 2013, the Parade has consistently attracted over one million attendees each year, making it not only the oldest, but also one of the largest Pride parades worldwide. G
Chicago Pride Fest® is a two-day street festival on June 22-23, 2024; the weekend before the Chicago Pride Parade (June 30, 2024). The 23rd annual Chicago Pride Fest is a celebration of LGBTQ+ life, culture and community in Chicago’s landmark LGBTQ+ Northalsted neighborhood. Pride ...
Chicago Pride Fest is an annual celebration LGBTQ+ life, culture and community (June 22-23, 2024) organized by the Northalsted Business Alliance chamber of commerce and takes place the weekend before the 53rd annual Chicago Pride Parade (June 30th, organized by
But Seattle also experienced a Pride effect of over 30%, even in June, with roughly 300,000 people coming out for last year’s galactic love–themed parade. Chicago, on the other hand, did not witness an increase in average ride activity during its Pride parade (digging into the data,...
First Gay Pride Parade One year later, during the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, activists in New York City marched through the streets of Manhattan in commemoration of the uprising. The march, organized by the Eastern Regional Conference of Homophile Organizations (ERCHO) and the Christopher...
The Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame, the only city-sanctioned LGBT Hall of Fame in the world, has announced its slate of 2024 inductees: 19 LGBT-identified individuals, two LGBT-identified organizations, and one “Friend of the Community” (ally). The 2024