K.Lamiraud, inEncyclopedia of Health Economics, 2014 Pricing strategies Lamiraud and Stadelmann (2011)examine the relationship between basic and supplementary health insurance from a different angle. They analyze firms' pricing strategies (i.e., pricing of basic and supplementary products) as a way...
Some of the important types of pricing strategies normally adopted by firm are as follows: 1. Pricing a New Product: Pricing is a crucial managerial decision. Most companies do not encounter it in a major way on a day-to-day basis. But there is need to follow ce...
EconomicsforManagers byPaulFarnham Chapter10:PricingStrategiesfortheFirm ©2005PrenticeHall,Inc.10.1 MarkupPricing ▪ Firmsestablishproductioncosts,thenapplyamarkuptotheaveragecostto determineprice ▪ Markuppricingisconsideredameansdealingwithuncertaintyindemand of estimation ▪ Applyinguniformmarkuptoall...
adding a standard markup to the cost of the product break-even pricing setting price to break even on the costs of making and marketing a product, or setting price to make a target return competition-based pricing setting prices based on competitors' strategies, prices, costs, and market offer...
In the expansive world of economics, determining pricing strategies plays a crucial role in establishing a presence in the market and introducing a new product. These choices regarding pricing lay the foundation for marketing approach, shaping the direction of the venture. It is important to note ...
Whether you’re a beginner or a pricing pro, these pricing strategies and models will help you find the right prices for your audience and revenue goals.
Moving to a Subscription Model Promotion Effectiveness Product Line Price Optimization Portfolio Management Competitive Response Menu Bundling & Optimization Ourmultidisciplinary approach to pricing researchincorporates components of behavioural economics, econometrics, finance, market research, marketing and psycholog...
fluctuates based on changing circumstances such as increases in demand at certain times, the type of customers being targeted, or evolving market conditions.7Dynamic pricing strategies are especially common in businesses that provide a service such as the hospitality, transportation, and travel ...
This paper will study the perspective extended to the whole community angle, from the perspective of maximizing the social value study pricing strategies of remanufacturing products, our conclusions are reflected the pricing behavior of enterprises and government policy support combined by taking the ...
六. New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies(新产品开发和产品生命周期策略) New-Product Development Strategy :两种途径 Acquisition(收购)refers to the buying of a whole company, a patent, or a license to produce someone else’s product (购买别人的公司产品) ...