A. users of the ratio believe that sales information is subject to less manipulation than any other data item. B. price-to-sales ratio is fairly constant by industry. C. advocates of the ratio believe that strong sales growth is a requirement for a growth company. 相关知识点: 试题...
price-to-sales ratio 市销率 释义:市销率(Price-to-sales ratio,PS),PS=总市值除以主营业务收入或者PS=股价除以每股销售额。市销率越低,说明该公司股票目前的投资价值越大。收入分析是评估企业经营前景至关重要的一步。没有销售,就不可能有收益。这也是最近两年在国际资本市场新兴起来的市场比率...
Price-To-Sales Ratio 股价与销售额比率 评估股票估值相对本身往绩、其他公司及市场总体的水平。计算方法为当时股价除以每股收入
The average price-to-sales ratio varies by industry.THOMAS N. BulkowskiJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.Price to sales ratio. (n.d) In Investopedia. Retrieved March 11, 2015, from http://www.in vestopedia.com/terms/p/price-to-salesratio.asp...
price to sales ratio 市销率 price sales ratio 价销比用以衡量股价水准的工具,亦为部分美国证券投资专家用来和本益比(*price earning ratio)相互配合的方法。系以每股市价与发行股数的乘积除以营业额为其计算方法;在美国若价销比小于 sales price 【经】 售价 price ratio 【经】 价比, 比价 ratio of...
Companies with a falling price-to-sales ratio from one year to the next have stocks that outperform over time. The average price-to-sales ratio varies by industry.关键词:Price-to-sales ratio stock current price share market capitalization 出版时间: SEP 2015 ...
To understand what is a good price to sales ratio, it is essential to understand the price to sales ratio by industry, and you should only use this metric if the companies are in the same industry. Advantages of price to sales ratio (P/S ratio) There are several advantages of knowing ...
Each industry will have its own average P/S ratio. What might be average P/S for one sector may be considered a very high or very low ratio for another.1 How Do You Analyze Price-to-Sales Ratio? A P/S is analyzed by comparing it against similar companies or industries. Investments wi...
the stock isundervaluedorovervalued. If the P/S ratio is lower than comparable companies in the same industry, investors might consider buying the stock because it's undervalued. There might be an opportunity to make higher returns when this stock is correctly valued by the market in the ...