“Price to Earnings ratio”指的是本益比,也称“股价收益比率”或“市价盈利比率(简称市盈率)”。以下为Investopedia中对其的解释:“The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings (EPS每股盈余)....
“Price to Earnings ratio”指的是本益比,也称“股价收益比率”或“市价盈利比率(简称市盈率)”。以下为Investopedia中对其的解释: “The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) is the ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its per-share earnings (EPS每股盈余). ...
Price to Earnings Ratio,即市盈率(简称P/E Ratio或PE Ratio),是评估股票投资价值的一个重要财务指标。它表示的是股票市场价格与每股收益(EPS)之间的比率,反映了投资者愿意为每单位的公司盈利支付的价格倍数。下面将从市盈率的计算方式、类型、在股票投资中的应用与意义、局限性...
市盈率(Price-to-Earnings Ratio,简称P/E Ratio或PE Ratio)是用来评估股票价格水平是否合理的一项重要财务指标。它是股票市场价格与每股收益(Earnings Per Share,简称EPS)的比率。通过市盈率,我们可以直观地了解投资者愿意为每一单位的公司盈利付出多少倍的价格。 具体计算公式为: 市盈率(P/E Ratio)= 每股市场价格...
市盈率(Price to Earnings ratio,简称 P/E ratio)也称“股价收益比率”或“市价盈利比率(简称市盈率)” 市盈率是最常用来评估股价水平是否合理的指标之一,由股价除以年度每股盈余(EPS)得出(以公司市值除以年度股东应占溢利亦可得出相同结果)。计算时,股价通常取最新收盘价,而EPS方面,若按已公布的上年度EPS计算,称...
price-to-earnings ratio 英 [praɪs tu ˈɜːnɪŋz ˈreɪʃiəʊ] 美 [praɪs tu ˈɜːrnɪŋz ˈreɪʃioʊ]网络 市盈率; 本益比; 股价收益比; ...
市盈率(Price-to-Earnings Ratio,简称PE)和市净率(Price-to-Book Ratio,简称PB)是衡量股票估值的两个常用财务指标。 • 市盈率(PE): • 定义:市盈率是股票价格与每股收益(EPS)的比率,用来衡量投资者...
base earnings ratio 基准收益率 price ratio 【经】 价比, 比价 inverse price ratio 价格的反比 price earning ratio 【经】 价格-收益比率 farm parity price ratio 【经】 农产品交换比价指数 相似单词 earnings n. 1. 薪水;工资;收入 2. 利润;收益;盈利 Price 价格,价钱[C] price n. 1.[...
price-to-earnings ratio物价收入比=当地某种商品的平均物价/当地平均收入
For example, if thecurrent priceof Company B is $10, and earnings are expected to double to $2 next year, the forward P/E ratio would be 5x, indicating the company is valued at half its current P/E ratio. A lower forward P/E ratio compared to the current P/E suggests analysts exp...