Leading Article: Salmon and the Price of Intensive Farming Methods
Shrimp price volatility vis-a-vis increased production costs puts the shrimp farmers in debt, reduces further investments, and threatens the sustainability of shrimp farming. The cost and price analysis using the time series data drawn from primary and secondary sources substantiated that the production...
2600kg, of Max Biomass at 4% feeding ratio, per bio-tower Advantages: Improved Wet & Dry Filtration Advanced Filter Desigh High BOD Treatment Capacity Improved Gas Exchange interface to Restore CO2 and O2 levels in the water Minimized Filter Clog ...
income in small holder farming. In fact, in semi-intensive approach, the production cycle of Ayam Cemani chicken took about 59 days comparing to the 158 in the traditional one. This result indicates that the semi-intensive method applied in chicken farming could reduce production cycle and at t...
The lipid theory is supported by many publications which suggest the an in- creased consumption of processed food rich in n-6 PUFAs instead of n-3 PUFA-rich oily fish (tuna, herring, macker- el, salmon, sardines, trout, tuna) and cod liver oil have contributed to a re...
Firm sizeprice variabilityprofitabilitysalmonThe supply chain for salmon is, in many respects, the world's most efficient seafood supply chain. Adopting new technologies and expanding the scale of production have improved competitiveness leading to increased production and industry growth. The transfer of...
Handbook of Salmon Farming: Edited by S.M. Stead and L. Laird. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2002). 502+xxxiii pages. Price: 129 Euro (£80; $139) ISBN: 1-85233-119-4Main Objectives 1. To compare the performance of diploid and triploid salmon fed a standard commercial diet for diploid ...
price variabilityprofitabilitysalmonIn this paper, we investigate the impact of firm size and price variability on firm profitability in the Norwegian salmon farming industry using a panel data set of all companies from the period 2000 to 2014. Several proxies for firm size are included in the ...
2600kg, of Max Biomass at 4% feeding ratio, per bio-tower Advantages: Improved Wet & Dry Filtration Advanced Filter Desigh High BOD Treatment Capacity Improved Gas Exchange interface to Restore CO2 and O2 levels in the water Minimized Filter Clog ...
2600kg, of Max Biomass at 4% feeding ratio, per bio-tower Advantages: Improved Wet & Dry Filtration Advanced Filter Desigh High BOD Treatment Capacity Improved Gas Exchange interface to Restore CO2 and O2 levels in the water Minimized Filter Clog ...