I've talkedbeforeabout how I appreciate getting postcards. I have a friend who sends postcards periodically, but I also received a postcard from a local business recently after I made a major purchase. I appreciated the personal touch. But the number of letters, postcards, or just general ma...
A Decade of Delights With this post (No. 413), we mark the tenth anniversary of The New Yorker. Since I began A New Yorker State of Mind in March 2015, I’ve attempted to give you at least a sense of what the magazine was like in those first years, as well as the historical ...
请见谅 You are good, I come from China, I also am a stamp collector, likes Holland's postage stamp extremely, hoped and you are a friend, receives this postcard the speech, please give me to register, hoped the maintenance exchange, my dutch is not very good, invites the excuse me[...
3. The card price applies to each single or double postcard when originally mailed; reply half of double postcard must be designed for reply mail purposes only. 4. For weights over 3.5 ounces, see Large Envelopes prices. See this page for size dimensions. Page 6 United States Postal ...
This platform is divided into philatelic item, coins and phone cards (including magnetic card and IC card) three blocks. Because of their large number, it needs to take a long time to edit. Their prices refer to the domestic and foreign market levels and their own appreciation of the law,...
English words and 2 Iran arrived postmarks in the back. Both for the collection, especially the thematic collection- such as jointly issued stamp topic, first Day Covers (or postcard) topic, International Postal topic etc.--or the research on the history of philately,it all has important ...
CBS news reportedthat sending a postcard domestically will now cost $0.56, while postcard and internationally sent letters are expected to go up to $1.65. These increases show a 7.8% rise in USPS rates in order to compensate for '10 years of a defective pricing model.' ...
The first 1,000 customers to apply for the SingPost Platinum Visa Credit Card can get S$120 worth of vPost and Omigo vouchers. Those who already have a Standard Chartered credit card can also apply for the SingPost Platinum Visa Credit Card ...
WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S. Postal Service will release three new stamps as part of 2021 price change:, , Barns, a 36-cent postcard stamp; Brush Rabbit, a 20-cent additional ounce stamp; and Castillo de San Marcos, a $7.95 Priority Mail stamp. The stamps