以往欧洲的农产品有价格下限,现在则用较软性的方式:若价格低于干预价格,欧盟会购买该农产品,使价格高于干预价格,因此当价格太低时,农产品会堆积在欧盟的仓库中。price ceiling 价格上限是指政府设置出售一种物品的法定最高价格,经常用于防止消费者买不到必需品的情况。价格上限对市场的影响 当政府...
1 有关price ceiling & price floor 的英文微观经济选择题 . Which of the following statements is true if the government places a price ceiling on petrol at €1.50 per litre and the equilibrium price is €1.00 per litre? a.A significant increase in the demand for petrol could cause the price...
price ceiling and price floorChapter We have been considering the way markets work under normal conditions. Sometimes, markets are not allowed to work. This means that the price is not allowed to move to the equilibrium(均衡)level. Two such conditions are price ceilings and price floors. Let ...
根据小民译的曼昆的经济学大概是这个意思,供需平衡中产品价格的的上限和下限,通常由政府规定,防止出现供需不平,导致。。。(初中经济生活里有讲,曼昆也有讲) 老了,曼昆的宏观和微观的经济学才看过一年,就忘了,还是翻书找的,惭愧
The price ceiling and price floor 1.The price ceiling Price ceiling is a price which lower than the equilibrium's price. In general, government set a price ceiling to protect customers. But it happens in many situations (1)Protect customers from buying necessities Sometimes, including developing...
其实price ceiling同price floor都系 *** 既一d policy,目的系预防d supplier set 太高或太低价钱,做成不公平既情况,可以保障d buyers, workers。例如't set price ceiling房屋租金(rent)、set price floor系菲律宾工人既最底工资。price ceiling,好处,正如上面讲,可以保障d buyers, workers,...
Price Ceiling vs. Price Floor A price floor is the opposite of a price ceiling. It sets a minimum purchase cost for a product or service. Also known as price support, it represents the lowest legal amount at which a good or service can be sold and still function within the traditionalsup...
4.price ceiling and floor PriceControls--Priceceilingandfloor ©2007ThomsonSouth-Western Supply,Demand,andGovernmentPolicies •Inafree,unregulatedmarketsystem,marketforcesestablishequilibriumpricesandexchangequantities.•Whileequilibriumconditionsmaybeefficient,itmaybetruethatnoteveryoneissatisfied.•Oneoftheroles...
1. A binding price floor is ___ the market equilibrium point. above below to the right of to the left of 2. What is the term for economic output lost due to a price floor or ceiling? Producer surplus. Consumer surplus. Deadweight loss. Producer loss. Create your account to acces...
price is when the supplier is ready to sell and the consumer is prepared to pay. However, in some products, specifically for necessities, the government steps in to ensure the prices do not fall too low or rise too high. Thus, the government sets the Price Floor and Ceiling for that ...