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Keane Better at Preying on the Weak These DaysEarly, Ken
However, such efforts must be based on an equitable relationship between automakers and their subcontractors and the benefits should be shared fairly according to the contributions. Nissan’s exploitation of subcontractors is clearly unacceptable. However, subcontractors are generally in weak positions becau...
Cholera: Preying on Poor and Weak.Reprints the article `Cholera: Preying on Poor and Weak,' which appeared in the March 19, 2001 issue of the `NRC Handelsblad' periodical.vanderHeideLolkeEBSCO_AspWorld Press Review
Erisín is a haunted city, and her specters are hungry. When demons prowl the streets of Oldtown, preying on the poor and the weak, a young actor must face the ghosts of his past and of his family to protect his new home.Amanda Downum...