The interaction between unreserved prey and predator is Crowley–Martin-type functional response. The local and global stability of the system is discussed. Further, the system is extended to incorporate the effect of time delay. Then the dynamical behavior of the system is analyzed, taking delay ...
We solve the scaled model of predator-prey dynamics and predict population level characteristics such as the scaling of coexistence size ranges and the optimal predator-prey size ratio. For a broad class of such models, the optimal predator-prey size ratio given available prey of a fixed size ...
In this work, we study a spatially heterogeneous predator–prey model where the interaction is governed by a Holling II functional response. The existence of coexistence states of the two species by using the bifurcation theory is discussed. As a result, it is shown that the degeneracy for the...
A., 1982c. Experimental studies on acarine predator-prey interactions: the response of predators to prey distribution in an homogeneolls area (Acarina: Phytoseiidae). Canadian Journal of Zoology 60 (4): 639-{j47.Eveleigh ES, Chant DA (1982a) Experimental studies on acarine predator-prey ...
A diffusive predator–prey system with Crowley–Martin functional response is considered. Firstly, the maximal parameter region, where the coexistence equilibrium is stable, is provided, of which the boundary consists of Turing bifurcation curves and Hopf bifurcation curve, and result derived by Shi ...
predator–prey systemexact solutionA system of equations for description of the predator–prey relations is considered. The model corresponds to the modified Lotka–Volterra system with logistic growth of the prey and with both predator and prey dispersing by diffusion. The Painlevé analysis of ...
Classical predator-prey system with infection of prey population - A mathematical model. Chattopadhyay, J.,Pal, S.,El Abdllaoui, A. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences . 2003J. Chattopadhyay,S. Pal,A. El Abdllaoui.Classical predator–prey system with infection of prey population – a...
doi:10.1002/mma.4290Khan, Abdul QadeerJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdMathematical Methods in the Applied SciencesKhan, A.Q.: Stability and Neimark-Sacker bifurcation of a ratio-dependence predator-prey model. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 40(11), 3833-4232 (2017)...
A mathematical eco-epidemiological model consisting of harvested prey–predator system involving fear and disease in the prey population is formulated and studied. The prey population is supposed to be separated into two groups: susceptible and infected.
Since weak (or slow) prey is relevant to Holling type I functional response function, the rate of prey consumption rises linearly. In contrast, type II functional response shows that a predator’s rate of prey intake grows as prey density increases but eventually levels off at a particular ...