however, is that the renewable natural resources of developing countries are today subject to stresses of unprecedented magnitude. These pressures are brought about, in part, by increased population and the quest for an ever expanding food supply...
ProductPaper of MHD-09 (IGNOU) DOWNLOAD ALL PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER IN ONE PDF DOWNLOAD ALL PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERS IN ONE PDF Download Now The Advantages of studying IGNOU Solved Assignments are given below: Easy Accessibility: IGNOU solved assignments are easily accessible online, which means students ...
IGNOU PhD Social Work Question Paper 2018 Posted onMarch 4, 2018byharish Q1: Write a research proposal for around 700 words with your own area of interest. 30 marks Q2: what is sampling? Difference between probability and non-probability sampling. 10 marks ...
Question paper will be divided into 2 parts comprising of 50 marks each. Part- A will be focused on Research Methodology whereas Part-B will be pertaining to Core Social Work discipline. Candidates will be asked to attempt all the questions. Last year question paper of IGNOU M.phil Phd Entr...