This is such a bad decision. I just tried duplicating a wiki we have using OneNotes and it is a complete mess. The OneNote integration in Teams is not at all a similar experience as wikis. Wikis allows you to have a navigation pane showing you multiple pa...
You can still download your previous wiki notes locally. Participants who didn’t create the notes may need to be granted access by the meeting creator. Known limitations Teams doesn’t support channel meetings, ad hoc Meet Now meetings, and 1:1 calls. Mobile clients are not yet supported—...
Added "Black Market Suppliers": "A deal is struck with key figures in the criminal underworld for the provision of Andvar precursors, greatly improving its fabrication rate." Includes a windfall of 2 x Andvar. Added "Sordid Intel": "Pirates become more than willing to share all the...
Can the team at Microsoft consider 2 things please: 1/ Ciphers (Algorithm selections) on these endpoints to only include those with forward secrecy to prevent MITM reading old messages if something like heartbleed happens againhttps://en.wikipedia...
Updated Player's Guide link to point to the new wiki. Crashes and Asserts Fixed assert when bandboxing lots of different units when zoomed out. Fixed crash in research tooltip for research unlocking items with redirected ability tooltip rendering. ...
NOTE:We have removed the previous Teams meeting notes solution. You can still download your previous wiki notes locally. Participants who didn’t create the notes may need to be granted access by the meeting creator. Known limitations Teams doesn’t support channel m...
Script Junkie | Modernize Your HTML5 Canvas Game: Part 2, Offline, Drag-and-Drop and File APIs MSDN Translation Wiki Overview Japan Retired | Access footer Script Junkie | Leveraging the jQuery UI Widget Factory with Project Silk At your service: New ways to deploy the new Office | TechNet...
Narrator Scan Mode has been improved. The Skip Links (N) feature allows you to jump to the text following a link. This is especially useful when reviewing long emails, news articles, and wiki pages. The Jump to Lists (L) feature provides quick access to lists on a web page or document...
Text editing in Neovim with immediate visual feedback: see the effects of any command on your buffer in real-time. Preview macros, the :norm command, and more! Theme: tokyonight.nvim ✨ Motivation and Features In Neovim version 0.8, the command-preview feature was introduced. Despite its ...
After Effects:benkuper/Spout-After-Effects Launch sender application and Virtual Mapper. Load the FBX file fromScene > Open Scene Select the appropriate input source. Please openSystem Preferences > Security & Privacy, and then click inOpen Anyway. ...