’s 60-100 trillion cells, with their over one trillion biochemical reactions per second each, would proportionally generate as much chaos and confusion as would be created in the case of the dissolution of the universe. You can also experience the intimate relationship between mind and body when...
Developer Comments: The previous seasonal rank decay was causing considerable confusion for players, who would see players in their Competitive games who did not appear to be of a similar rank. Often these players were actually of similar skill, but they had not played enough games during the s...
The confusion about the physical process present in sputtering has only been overcome thanks to the work of Gunthersshulze in the 1920´s and 30´s and Wehner et al. in the 1950´s and 60´s, who demonstrated that the effects produced in sputtering could only be explained by the ...
Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile engine called a magneto. Rather than have each worker completely assemble a magneto, one of its elements was placed on a conveyer, and each worker, as it passed, added another component to it, ...
reversible [ ] adj. 可逆的,可撤销的 Capable of reversing or being reversed This tape is reversible. 25 indigenous [ ] adj. 本地的 Originating where it is found 26 influx [ ] n. 流入,涌入 The process of flowing in 27 intrigue [ ] vt. 引起很大兴趣 Cause to be interested or curious ...
that involves openi ng of epoxy rings, cannot be reversed. Information on adhesion in these systems only can be obtained from destructive tests. In thispaper, an attempt hasbeen madeto estimatefibre– matrix adhesion from the results of micromechanical tests. Our approach isbased on theanalysi...
Stage1-Mildconfusion,decreasedattention, irritability,reversedsleeppattern.flapping trema Stage2-Drowsiness,personalitychanges, intermittentdisorientation,flappingtrema Stage3-Grossdisorientation,marked confusion,slurredspeech,flappingtrema Stage4-Frankcoma Lababnormalities Hepaticsyntheticandbiochemicaldysfunction Electrolyte...
» “rm –rf /”, deleting a user’s email spool, reversed copy during data reorganization, ... • Retroactive repair –mitigate external attacks » retroactively install virus/spam filter on email server; effects are squashed on replay ...
For the lack of confusion, a distinction cocaine and its metabolite benzoylecgonine.should also be made between the term‘‘saliva’’ and Numerous methods have already been developed ‘‘oral,uid’’ . It has been suggested to use ‘‘saliva’ ’ for the analysis of these compounds in saliva...