Sega's fleet-footed video game character-turned-movie star Sonic the Hedgehog returns for a third installment. One worrisome note: so far there's no confirmation that Jim Carrey, who was fantastic as the evil Dr. Robotnik in the first two installments, has called off his recently announced r...
Sega's fleet-footed video game character-turned-movie star Sonic the Hedgehog returns for a third installment. One worrisome note: so far there's no confirmation that Jim Carrey, who was fantastic as the evil Dr. Robotnik in the first two installments, has called off his recently announced r...
Sega's fleet-footed video game character-turned-movie star Sonic the Hedgehog returns for a third installment. One worrisome note: so far there's no confirmation that Jim Carrey, who was fantastic as the evil Dr. Robotnik in the first two installments, has called off his recently announced r...
Sega's fleet-footed video game character-turned-movie star Sonic the Hedgehog returns for a third installment. One worrisome note: so far there's no confirmation that Jim Carrey, who was fantastic as the evil Dr. Robotnik in the first two installments, has called off his recently announced r...
20th Century Fox 4.Trolls With an A-list voiceover cast boasting names such as Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, and Zooey Deschanel — not to mention a lineup of karaoke-worthy songs including Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September” and Lionel Richie’s “Hello” —Trollsis the kind of fami...
Tim Burton's "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" follows Jake (Asa Butterfield, center) as he protects unusual children at an orphanage.20th Century Fox Eva Green and Asa Butterfield head up director Tim Burton's latest piece of dark-tinged fantasy, based on the popular novel, in...
Fox Butch and Sundance: The Early Days(1979) Prequel To:Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid(1969) What do you when you made a massively successful film —the originalButch Cassidy and the Sundance Kidwas the #1 movie of the year in 1969 — that ended with the deaths of both of the main...
PG for mild action and some rude humor | In Theaters 3/27 | Ok for Kids 7+ | 20th Century Fox, DreamWorks Animation | Reel Preview: 4 of 5 Reels |Meet the Boov|Facebook When Earth is taken over by the overly-confident Boov, an alien race in search of a new place to ...
Fox Butch and Sundance: The Early Days(1979) Prequel To:Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid(1969) What do you when you made a massively successful film —the originalButch Cassidy and the Sundance Kidwas the #1 movie of the year in 1969 — that ended with the deaths of both of the main...
”“Deadpool & Wolverine” is also significant as Marvel’s first R-rated superhero movie, bridging the gap between the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the 20th Century Fox crop of heroes – namely the X-Men – who now belong to Marvel’s parent company Disney. Expect extensive, fourth wall-...