The elderly are prone to the development of osteoporosis and have an increased propensity to fall thereby increasing their risk of fractures. Fractures (especially hip fractures) in the elderly are associated with a high morbidity and mortality, and are also costly, accounting for large portions of...
Advises elderly women with osteoporosis to engage in exercise programs similar to the Osteofit program evaluated in the Canadian Medical Association Journal to prevent falls which could cause bone fractures. Suggested measures to prevent falls and resulting injuries; How Osteofit program is distinct from...
Aging bone and osteoporosis: strategies for preventing fractures in the elderly. As the older population increases, the incidence of osteoporotic fractures is expected to dramatically rise during the next few decades. Older patients are... MP Ettinger - 《Archives of Internal Medicine》 被引量: 268...
Calcium and vitamin D are effective in preventing frac- tures in elderly people by reversing senile secondary hyperparathy- roidism. Osteoporos Int 1998(Supp. 8);S1 - 2.Meunier PJ (1998) Calcium and vitamin D are effective in preventing fractures in elderly people by reversing senile secondary...
EPFL scientists have developed a gel that can locally reinforce bones weakened by osteoporosis. The startup they created, called Flowbone, has just made it through the second round of the Venture Kick competition. Femoral neck fractures occur frequently among the elderly, and are usually caused by...
Can health visitors prevent fractures in elderly people? BMJ. 1992;304(6831):888-890.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 50. Tricco A, Thomas S. Open Science Framework. Comparative efficacy of preventing falls in older adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. https://...
Efficacy of vitamin D3 supplementation in preventing fractures in elderly women: a meta-analysis. The efficacy of vitamin D(3) in preventing fractures and falls has been explored in a number of clinical trials. However, recent evidence revealed new ques... GJD Bergman,T Fan,JT Mcfetridge,.....
The Prevention of Bone Fractures After Liver Transplantation: Experience With Alendronate Treatment The aim of this study was to prevent fractures in the first postoperative year. We studied 59 patients (48 men, 11 women) aged 42.6 卤 11.4 years, who unde... F Atamaz,S Hepguler,Z Karasu,....
It is considered the most common postoperative neurological complication in elderly patients, as its incidence is approximately 20% in those > 60 years, reaching 50% in high-risk surgeries, such as hip fractures and cardiac surgery [3]. Postoperative delirium develops elderly patients due to ...
A fall is the mechanism of injury for most fragility fractures. Falls are preventable and should not be viewed as an inevitable consequence of the ageing process. Falls and fragility fractures frequently result in both short- and long-term disability and can be life-changing with considerable dete...