Falls among older adults are a common and costly problem, with rates of fatal falls increasing in the US. The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has updated its recommendations for fall prevention based on evidence from 83 clinical trials. Exercise and multifactorial ...
Getting older increases the chance of lots of health problems,such as heart disease, dementia and diabetes. And here’s another major health risk in our golden years: falls. One in 4 people age 65 or older suffers a fall each year, and 3 million wind up in the emergency room for taking...
LONG BEACH, California— Ms S had recently arrived home after a stay at a skilled nursing facility to recover from ahip fractureresulting fromosteoporosis. For many patients, follow-up care would have includeda DEXA scanor a prescription for a bisphosphonate from a primary care clinician not tra...
For older adults at a higher risk of having a fall, such as having had a fall in the past year and recently hospitalised or needing support with daily activities, removing environmental fall hazards in the home can reduce the number of falls by 38%. Examples of environmental fall hazards ar...
Falls are a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in older people and the risk of falling is exacerbated by mental health conditions. Existing reviews have focused on people with dementia and cognitive impairment, but not those with other mental healt
especially in older adults who are more likely to experience recurrent falls. We describe recent trends, limitations, and challenges (analytics, sensors, and acquisition protocols) for frail detection and fall prediction systems. Finally, our article showed the beneficial and refreshing effect that mach...
or older,or over70if they are known to be at increased risk of falling,should be asked about falls and balance or gait difficulties,and observed getting into and out of a chair and walking.People with a history of two or more falls,or balance or gait difficulties,should be assessed for ...
FallsAccident preventionElderly personsCommunitiesInterventionsInjuriesPublic healthHealth care costsHealth personnelOlder adults value their independence, and a fall can significantly limit their ability to remain self-sufficient. More than one-third of people aged 65 and older fall each year, and those ...
This network meta-analysis of trials comparing fall-prevention interventions for older adults provides summary estimates of the effects of exercise and
Preventing Falls and Traumatic Brain Injuries in Older AdultsEvidence-based resources are available.doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000334969.36618.68NAOvid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)AJN, American Journal of Nursing