The treatment, known formally asadjuvant chemotherapy, is a course of anti-cancer drugs that is given tomop upany cancer cells that might remain in the body after primary cancer treatment, which is usually surgical removal of ...
Background Breast Cancer incidence in the UK is estimated to rise to 71,000 per year by 2035. Preventative strategies could significantly reduce this. Preventative therapy reduces women's risk of oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer, but uptake remains low. Having established a preventative thera...
"Tests and scans currently available are unable to detect such microscopic spread and therefore to improve chances of cure, presumptive treatment of such likely spread is often undertaken even after the cancer in the solid organ of origin is completely removed. "Depending on the type of c...
"So it's a major breakthrough for women that they are going to be able to be offered this treatment in the future," he added. Breast cancer awarenesscampaigners praised the report. "We believe that this guideline is a game changer for people with a family history of breast cancer," sa...
With 47,000 new diagnoses each year, breast cancer is Britain’s most common form of the disease. It is estimated that the drug would save the NHS about £15 million in treatment costs. Even if only 25% of those eligible use it, and only half of these complete the entire course, ...
Access to preventative care, screening and treatment of women in vulnerable socio-economic groups presenting with cervical cancer The object of this study was to evaluate access to preventative care, screening and treatment of women in vulnerable socio-economic groups presenting with ... C Dalmon,E...
Define preventative. preventative synonyms, preventative pronunciation, preventative translation, English dictionary definition of preventative. also pre·ven·ta·tive adj. 1. Intended or used to prevent or hinder; acting as an obstacle: preventive meas
The thought of my own child potentially having to see me undergo cancer treatment, the way I did with my own mother, was almost too much to bear. After 12 months of breastfeeding and dealing with clogged milk ducts that felt like lumps in my breasts, I'd had enough. ...
She recently a double mastectomy as apreventativemeasure because both her parents had breast cancer. 由于她的双亲为乳腺癌患者,她最近为预防乳腺癌作了双侧乳腺切除术. 期刊摘选 Some veterinarians believe that annual revaccination is an important and critical part ofpreventativehealth care. ...
Google Share on Facebook preventive medicine (redirected fromPreventative care) Thesaurus Medical Related to Preventative care:Secondary prevention,Primary prevention preventive medicine The anticipation, communication, prediction, identification, prevention, education, risk assessment, and control of communicable ...