The MSI*.tmp are also extracted actions and I guess I have to use some Windows Installer logging to hunt those down. My hope is that if digitally signing the install utilities might help, I may not have to worry about hunting those down by signing all utilities. Any help in cleaning...
Problem: Windows 11 auto reboots during night after installing updates even if a user is logged on. Result: Windows 11 cannot be used for applications, that are running multiple days, like simulations, measurements or experiments. An automatic reboot after patch day would interrupt running ...
Repro Steps Create a fresh Windows 10 installation (beware of nested virtualization if you want to test WSL in VM) Disable these group policies Allow publishing of User Activities Allow upload of User Activities Configure Windows Defender SmartScreen (all of them) Runwsl --install Expected Behavior...
If the Agent fails to be installed or upgraded and the message "setup cannot download install scripts or assert file service is unavailable" is displayed, check whether the OS of the device is listed in Table 7-117. If it is listed in the table, the Agent installation or upgrade depends ...
If your Windows PC is operating perfectly right now, great! But getting ahead of any future PC fiascos with a recovery drive may save you from a tech-induced headache later.
In this thread it's suggested to quit S-mode by adding the .reg file, I have integrated this reg file into my Windows image. But when I'm running the unattended install I still get Windows 11 in S-mode. I checked Google, asked ChatGPT for help, but so far no luck. I think ...
Install Windows 11 with a local account URI commands for Windows 11 apps Windows 10 release history Windows 11 ms-settings commands Windows 11 Release history Αdvertisement PCRepair is a powerful easy-to-use cleanup & repair tool for your PC. It will pinpoint error causes and improve PC st...
Install mlflow from this PR # Use `%sh` to run this command on Databricks OPTIONS=$(if pip freeze | grep -q 'mlflow @ git+'; then echo '--force-reinstall --no-deps'; fi) pip install $OPTIONS git+
Windows 7 2. Use the free Microsoft Safety Scanner Microsoft offers a free online tool that scans and helps remove potential threats from your computer. To perform the scan, go to theMicrosoft Safety Scannerwebsite. 3. Use the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool ...
If you wish to stay with a particular build and prevent Windows 10 from installing the new build, here is a simple tip for you.