Armyworms: Cabbage Looper: Root Maggots: Psyllid: Snail: Squash Bug: Sowbug: Cutworm: Grub: Harlequin Bug: Common Places for Garden Pests to Hide Garden pests have a knack for finding clever hiding spots amidst our beloved plants. Let’s uncover their favorite haunts and expos...
Its hard to find items in grocery store & it would be easier if my husband would get on board Again, thank you for this post it has really helped Reply Fred March 11, 2015 at 9:58 am Fleas are part of the tapeworm’s life cycle, and a flea that carries tapeworms had to be...
Then, I cut off most all of the sunburned leaves and the dead tissue, as mytomatoesare now beginning to have fruit on them. I don’t want them to be working hard to try and send nutrients to the leaves that are burnt and are not going to get better, so I just cut all those off...
Beneficial nematodes are insect-parasitic, which means that these small microscopic “worms” are safe for pets, people, and plants, but not pests. There are many different kinds of nematodes, but the ones marketed for flea control and pest control in gardens are not one of the nasty ones. ...