A descriptive analysis was conducted and comparisons were made between prevalent and incident HIV cases. Results: Two hundred- seventy seven patients were in care in 2008. Of these, 85 (31%) were incident cases. Among prevalent cases, 56% were male, 93% were black and 159 (57%) were 40...
In the single-centre incident PAH cohort, 55% pts had idiopathic PAH, 26% CTD-associated PAH, 12% CHD-associated PAH, 4% portopulmonary PH, and 3% other PAH.There is a substantial difference in etiology between mixed prevalent and incident PAH cohort and exclusively incident PAH cohort in ...
Oral mucosa as a reservoir of human papillomavirus: point prevalence, genotype distribution, and incident infections among males in a 7-year prospective study. Eur Urol. 2012;62:1063–70. 48. Rollo F, Latini A, Pichi B, Colafigli M, Benevolo M, Sinopoli I, et al. Prevalence and ...
In the group of KL progressors, 76 % (62 women) had a KL score at baseline strictly lower than 2, meaning that this group represents predominantly incident OA rather than progression of the disease in the strict sense (Table III). When considered alone, these 62 women with incident knee ...
Notably, we previously identified high rates of conversion (28%) and incident active disease (1.39%) over one year in this cohort study10. These rates provided more robust sample sizes of 30 and 24 cases, respectively, for the nested case-control studies to examine the impact of vitamin D ...
Here we propose and study methods to additionally use prospectively observed survival times from prevalent and incident cases to adjust logistic models for the time between diagnosis and sampling, the backward time, for prevalent cases. This adjustment yields unbiased odds‐ratio estimates from case‐...
We propose and study a fully efficient method to estimate associations of an exposure with disease incidence when both, incident cases and prevalent cases, i.e., individuals who were diagnosed with the disease at some prior time point and are alive at the time of sampling, are included in a...
The most reliable way of differentiating incident from prevalent cases is through the clinician assigning episode type to the patient's computerized medical record (CMR). However, episode type assignment is often made inconsistently. The objective of this collaborative study between the Royal College ...
We propose and study a fully efficient method to estimate associations of an exposure with disease incidence when both, incident cases and prevalent cases, i.e., individuals who were diagnosed with the disease at some prior time point and are alive at the time of sampling, are included in a...
An analysis of another German cohort study revealed a 10% higher risk for incident diabetes with increasing PM10, which was more pronounced in men than in women and therefore, consistent with our results (Weinmayr et al., 2015). However, the study was also able to show effect modifications ...