Globally, there is a concerning surge in the prevalence of substance use among adolescents and children, creating a substantial public health problem. Despite the magnitude of this issue, accessing healthcare explicitly for substance use remains challeng
Cheng, ErikaApha
Both groups had higher lifetime and current rates of major depression and substance abuse than did all women in the National Comorbidity Survey. Both groups also had high rates of posttraumatic stress disorder and two or more lifetime conditions. Conclusions: The prevalence of trauma-related ...
Substance use disorder prevalence among female state prison inmates. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse, 2012. 38(4): p. 278-85. doi: 10.3109/00952990.2012.668596 PMID: 22443915Proctor, S. L. (2012). Substance use disorder prevalence among female state prison inmates. The American Journal of Drug and...
To determine the prevalence of personality disorders in patients admitted to the psychiatric wards of the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI).Patients (n = 100) sequentially admitted to the psychiatric wards of the UHWI were assessed for personality disorder using the gold standard of ...
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is now acknowledged as a significant public health concern, a persistent neurodevelopmental disorder. It poses challenges across various life domains, persisting into adulthood, and is often undiagnosed. Fr
having at least five out of the above nine self-reported symptoms with in the last 2 weeks; with one of the five symptoms being “depressed mood, hopelessness, or feeling down” OR “little interest or pleasure on doing things”; can be diagnosed as having major depressive disorder [3,4,...
Anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and substance-abuse disorders that were present during the 12 months before the interview were diagnosed with the use of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV). Treatment for emotional ...
Among males, the most common combination within Axis I was psychotic disorder with substance abuse disorder and somatoform disorder with substance abuse disorder. The prevalence of mental illness was not significantly correlated with type of crime or the total number of instant charges. The main ...
Serious disorders were defined as one of the following: meeting criteria for bipolar I disorder or substance dependence with a physiological dependence syndrome; making a suicide attempt in conjunction with any other WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV disorder; reporting at least 2 areas of role functioning with ...