They know something isn't 100% right with their reactions to foods and don't have the medical lingo to describe it. Everyone knows the word allergy. Also there are 5 branches to our immune system and IgE is only one of them (the branch most likely to result in severe reactions and ...
In terms of subjective severity, 7.2% reported their tinnitus as a big or a very big problem compared with 41.6% who reported it as a small problem. Only 49.4% had discussed their tinnitus with a physician, and medications were the most frequently discussed recommendation (45.4%). Other ...
Finally, in terms of HTN control, factors associated with a low prevalence of HTN control included male sex, younger age, no history of T2D, current alcohol consumption, no exercise, and higher BMI. In Thailand, community-based screening for HTN is offered for Thai civilians aged ≥ 35...
In terms of social drug use, 19.8% were alcohol consumers, and 6.7% were cigarette smokers. The findings also showed that 20.4% of the participants used traditional medicine for their illnesses (Table 1). Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of patients with heart failure (n = 343). ...
Graduates reporting a major life crisis performed slightly poorer in terms of basic science GPAs (2.95 vs. 2.85, p <.001), USMLE exam scores, and performance ratings by their program directors than did graduates who did not experience a crisis. Conclusions: A large fraction of medical ...
Search terms included Medical Search Headings for the ankle joint, injury and epidemiology. The following inclusion criteria were used: the study must report epidemiology findings of injuries sustained in an observed sample; the study must report ankle sprain injury with either incidence rate or ...
If we use the terms high and low to refer to the 5 highest and 5 lowest prevalence estimates in each column of the table, the United States and Colombia have consistently high prevalence estimates across all classes of disorder, the Netherlands and Ukraine are high on 3 of 4, Nigeria and...
Inappropriate medication use was most frequently identified in terms of Beers’ criteria (22.4%), missing doses (18.8%) or incorrect frequency of administration of drugs (13.0%). Factors predicting potentially inappropriate drug intake included female sex (65.7% vs 53.3% for males, p = ...
Additionally, compared to past decades, depression is better accepted as a medical condition by both patients and health professionals. Even if patients did experience depressive episodes in the past, they might not be given a formal diagnosis, thereby accounting for the lower prevalence in studies ...
Hemoglobin is the primary oxygen-carrying molecule within red blood cells, so anemia is most typically measured in terms of hemoglobin content of the blood rather than red blood cell volume1,2. Anemia can reduce cognitive and physical capacities and is associated with reduced economic productivity3...